How come there aren't more Monks?

There would be one more if the darn game install would quit stopping cold at 58%.
Doing a fresh install right now is a bad idea, trust me.

There’s a number of reasons. One of them is that, compared to the other new classes, we lack the “edgy” factor…


Three words, four syllables

  • Kung Fu Panda

In other words, the theme and class fantasy is a little jarring as compared to all the other classes


Hard to play is the reason I dont have one. I dont mean rotation wise, they are just squishy as hell in raids or mythics. Even a lot of the ones I see go splat way too often in dungeons.


apparently its hard to get into it, it took me awhile and I ask my self the same question… I think most people just want to chose a class thats easy as 1 2 4


Harder to play compared to most

Often outperformed by much simpler to play classes

Starts at level 1

Then you got a big crowd born after Warcraft 3 came out that think Pandaren are tied to Kung Fu Panda. Those arguing that they can’t see monks fitting in anywhere in the games fantasy, if you have a gnome/vulpera/anything that isn’t one of the original paladin races as a DK you pretty much should be banned from using that as an argument.

Once you get the hang of monks they’re a blast to play. Though I will say I haven’t touched Mistweaver much since MoP (I absolutely loved mistweaver back then and im a hardcore dps player). I’ve hopped on the DH band wagon, but I’ve said before that I feel like my intelligence is being insulted every time I play it and while this game is obsessed with numbers, I keep wanting to go back to my monk. I’d also play a DK but I like multi role classes and the rune starvation of blood frustrated me to no end.

It’s funny, monks came to wow with a lot of fan fare. DPS specs are always the most rolled specs in multi role classes and the most important in regards to popularity.

Take Paladins for example, retribution has always been a favorite among many and if not anything else very thematically on point spec.

Wind Walker had its issues right out of the box. It went through several iterations through many expansions, with several changes to its mastery and redactions of talents. If you look at the new wind walker mastery, the talents used to complement a mastery based on not pushing the same button twice haven’t changed.


Simple. Monks require 5 times as much effort to output as much as every other class.

It’s fun for awhile but when you gotta play at 110% the keep up with everyone playing at 40%, its draining.


Really great post, love ww but its not for everyone.

monks are just better when theyre drunk

Currently leveling this guy as I’m using the xp buff to swap factions and because I want to experience alliance questing. It’s a blast. I love brewmaster even if it sucks pre 80. I can’t wait to main this the remainder of the xpac and hopefully move it into SL

It’s definitely a fun class and I absolutely love it. Keep at it and enjoy

Hype for chi n1??


I have 3 monks, 2 of them are 120.

One is a lvl 78 Kultiran BM, tanking in dungeons so far feels really bad, i don’t feel tanky and the damage really isn’t good either, but it is fun.

But the other 2 were Windwalkers, absolute blast while playing, a rotation that isn’t super simple, but it also makes sense and logic, and the idea of avoiding repetition makes sense in a martial arts class.

I never healed, so i haven’t used mistweaver besides that class hall artifact weapon quest and the beginner level of trials, not sure if i level up another monk just to train Mistweaver, i have no idea even how to keybind all my heals.

But i love this class, is by far my favorite together with Warrior.


Throw the same punch or try the same take down, good way to get countered.


I see complaints of theme not being appropriate for a “swords and sorcery” type of game. Did no one read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant? Bloodguard, simply they baddest!


I tend to agree with this post. For me, WW has never been as fun as it was in MoP. I enjoyed the playstyle, and although some say it’s the same, for me, it’s not.

I may be in the minority here, but I HATE this current iteration of Mastery for WW. Might make it fun for some, but I dislike it.


They just didn’t play enough D&D


This is why:


First… month or so of Legion was amazing as a Monk. Before they made all the changes to SotWL it was full damage on everything and no mob cap I think and did massive damage. Can understand why it was nerfed though, Monks were doing top tier AoE and ST and Opening Burst without changing much or anything really if i recall correctly. Even after all the nerfs to bring Monks down a peg or two… a fully unlocked Artifact weapon was super satisfying as a WW Monk.

Good times.

I’ll always advocate to bring back some of those Artifact passives or the true SotWL