How come there aren't more Monks?

I have 3 monks, 2 of them are 120.

One is a lvl 78 Kultiran BM, tanking in dungeons so far feels really bad, i don’t feel tanky and the damage really isn’t good either, but it is fun.

But the other 2 were Windwalkers, absolute blast while playing, a rotation that isn’t super simple, but it also makes sense and logic, and the idea of avoiding repetition makes sense in a martial arts class.

I never healed, so i haven’t used mistweaver besides that class hall artifact weapon quest and the beginner level of trials, not sure if i level up another monk just to train Mistweaver, i have no idea even how to keybind all my heals.

But i love this class, is by far my favorite together with Warrior.


Throw the same punch or try the same take down, good way to get countered.


I see complaints of theme not being appropriate for a “swords and sorcery” type of game. Did no one read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant? Bloodguard, simply they baddest!


I tend to agree with this post. For me, WW has never been as fun as it was in MoP. I enjoyed the playstyle, and although some say it’s the same, for me, it’s not.

I may be in the minority here, but I HATE this current iteration of Mastery for WW. Might make it fun for some, but I dislike it.


They just didn’t play enough D&D


This is why:


First… month or so of Legion was amazing as a Monk. Before they made all the changes to SotWL it was full damage on everything and no mob cap I think and did massive damage. Can understand why it was nerfed though, Monks were doing top tier AoE and ST and Opening Burst without changing much or anything really if i recall correctly. Even after all the nerfs to bring Monks down a peg or two… a fully unlocked Artifact weapon was super satisfying as a WW Monk.

Good times.

I’ll always advocate to bring back some of those Artifact passives or the true SotWL


To be fair, this isn’t the case. You are empowering your fist with chi so while yes your fist physically hits them, you’ve stuck them with a chi energy that blasts their very soul.

Don’t confuse monks with brawlers. You’re using a spiritual force similar to shamans.


My favorite part is that it shoots us backward on fire but doesn’t clear worms.

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Yes we do have to rely on healers a lot because we don’t have the self sustain like the other tanks, BrM laughs in the face of bosses and can shrug off attacks that could 1 shot other tanks. 50 in one hand, half a dozen in the other


Monk might have been complex to play in mop and possibly even wod, but that certainly isn’t the case now.

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Your have 3 specs, all different roles. If you love particular role the monk then becomes susceptible to nerfs and/or changes. WW just doesn’t feel right. The combat is clunky, the Mastery doesn’t work with blackout kicks, BLK out kick procs don’t jive with mastery…it’s a mess


It was on release not a hero class had to be leveled or boosted up. Its fun healing spec was ruined into just another caster heals, the dps spec scales poorly and blizz always seems to fail to fix its many issues and the tank spec while fun isnt as self reliant as the rest of the tank especially in PvP. Its got its fans but especially in this expansion its tank spec brought the debuff the dps spec just didnt do worth a dang in dps over rogues or dhs and most healers just do better where mw fails to find its niche since its fistweaving was murdered mid mop. I was a monk main for 2 expansions but this expansion I jist couldnt bother anymore. Not sure if I’ll get back into it in SL but maybe.

Aint nothing clunky about ww


I disagree here, of my five melee (Pal/War/Sham/Monk/DK) monk feels the most fluid and deliberate button presses. Fury and Shaman are just so damn busy, DK spam scourge strike then epidemic rinse repeat. Paladin …doesn’t feel satisfying. But monk feels pretty good.

The FoF statement about how it interrupts the action is one of the main arguments I’ve heard over the years, and yet when I cast FoF it gives a second to look around and figure out what I wanna do…I dunno I’ll disagree anecdotally.


i think monk is often seen as a more cheesy class and to some thats a big reason they like it and others a big reason they dont like it. i feel like gameplay wise anyone who tries monk realizes how fun it is. my friend didn’t play monk for years because he didnt feel its theme resonated with him which is understandable but recently he finally tried one out and immediately realized how enjoyable it is.

I think FoF could use a animation rework, to Hundred strikes attack or some bs. Essentially just us doing a super combo of kicks and punches.

The biggest problem is no white swinging during it.

The clunkier part was back when you couldn’t move.

Yes, I’ve suggested this before. There’s an animation sequence that’s used sometimes when clicking items where you do like a punch, kick, and shoulder slam sequence. If they made fist of fury into something like that instead of just a goofy anime style bunch of punches that don’t sync up with the damage being done, that’d be great.

You ever play mortal combat, and chain combo someone from half hp to dead? I want FOF to feel like that, just a massive chain combo on someone that ends with like a jumping uppercut.


Chen in a questline out in valley of fourwinds has you go into the stormstout brewery and he has an animation that would work perfect.