How come if your in bfa you cant solo raids

Im in bfa not shadow lands and yall made it hard to solo bfa raids and the gear stinks before i had 1000 times better now 28 damage why

Raids will not become very soloable until they are 2 expansions old. BFA is only one expansion old, therefore, you will not be able to solo them easily.


Even in BFA it was extremely hard (more like impossible) to solo BFA raids without doing some kind of exploit. So what exactly is the bug here?

Also you shouldn’t spam the bug forums with multiple threads about the same issue.

But if. Your not in shadow lands why does every 1 who dosent go . Get junk gear when the gear was 400

Its wasnt hard maybe fore you . But here is the deal you got to shadow lands you get better gear if you dont you get thrown under the bus

Why are you swapping to alts to make it seem that more people are on your side of this, clearly not a bug issue?

You think because your in shadow lands every 1 has to go so they get gear like your right . = If your in bfa you should be in bfa not shadowlands its called free will

If your in bfa you should not get shadow land raids peroid

What do you actually mean by “if you’re in bfa, you should not get shadowland raids”?

If you are leveling through BFA, you can’t get access to shadowlands raids since shadowlands raids require level 60 to do. BFA “stops” at level 50.

Are you confusing raids (10+ player content) with dungeons? (5 player content). Or are you saying that if you are in a BFA zone, things like raid finder should bring up BFA instances even if you level past 50?

I can’t even begin to try and understand what this means.


At lvl 48 my bfa raids went to shadowland my charter never been to shadowlands

You don’t have access to BFA raids at level 48

Raids are things like Uldir, Battle for Dazar’alor, Crucible of Storms, Eternal palace and Ny’alotha (those are the BFA raids).

It sounds like you are confusing dungeons (5 player content) for raids. There is a big difference between the two. So getting the type of content you are upset about losing incorrect does not help.

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Then tell me how this charter has shadow lands not bfa and zero guest to go there since 48

Because you clearly have brought shadowlands? And you can start shadowlands at level 48? And even then, you shouldn’t lose access to queues for BFA dungeons until you hit level 51 (as they stop scaling with you when you go above level 50). And BFA scaling is separate from Chromie Time as new players are strongly encourged to do BFA after exiles reach.

As for quests you can still pick up BFA quests even at level 48.

So what exactly is the problem here?

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But if the charter never went it should not be forced

I lost. Bfa dungens at 48 now shadow lands every thing and i never had him there

Yeah I doubt that very much. Can you provide a screenshot of your random dungeon selections? If a screenshot of the issue can be provided it is highly recommended to provide one in your bug report.

Considering you first argued that you lost access to BFA raids at level 48 (which you can’t do until level 50 anyway).

You can upload a screenshot to the WoW forums by using a third party website like imgur. Then post the link (if you don’t have trust level 3, use the ` key before and after the link).

This 1 all shadow lands to raids and im in bfa

Raids or dungeons? You keep switching terms and they are two very different things. That character is 50, it is supposed to be in Shadowlands content now. Even if it showed BFA raids, you’re likely not going to get groups easily - if at all.


There is either a language barrier or other issue here preventing proper communication.


@OP I mean no disrespect, but is it easier for you to post in your native language? We can use Google translate. If English is your native language, perhaps someone else can help you with your posts here. I apologize for embarrassment or confusion, it’s just that you appear to be:

  • Not absorbing what people are saying to you; and
  • Not communicating your issues comprehensibly.

I’d like to help here too, but I see no way to do so. All I can offer is the actual answer to the title and original post (which other people have already provided) but I feel it won’t be absorbed by the OP:

You’re not supposed to be able to easily solo raids until they are two xpacs old. BfA raids will become easily solo-able in 10.0 (the next expansion pack, after Shadowlands), whenever that may be.

That is why “if you’re in BfA you can’t solo [BfA] raids.”

If you want to run raids solo right now, you need to do much older content. Try MoP and WoD raids if you aren’t max level, and Legion raids once you do reach 60. For BfA raids, you’ll most likely need to bring along a friend or two. For Shadowlands raids, you need more or less a full group, via group finder, or manually put together yourself.