How come I can't get in the beta even tho I bought the expansion epic edition? Need help

I read some other forums on here but don’t see the testing area on my battle net account plz help

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If you’re able to post in these forums you have it. Click the arrow under where it says game version (above the play button). That’ll bring up all the game versions you have access to. The Beta will be listed in Under Development section at the top of the list.


Also to clarify Beta is listed as Beta, not PTR. I know some people have gotten confused.


I do to the list where is shows the game versions of wow I only see retail wow and Classic wow

Right above that, is there a ‘download’ arrow next the words "Beta Available’? If so, you can use that to download.

If not, you may want to log out of everything Blizzard & restart your computer.

The fact you are able to post on these forums shows they enabled it for you.

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Yeah, I was going to suggest this and also checking for launcher update, although they give a popup when there’s an update ready so it may not be that.

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I was not able to get it to show I had it until I redownloaded the battle net launcher. It was not showing I needed a update but it worked and now I can play.


Wait if u redownload the launcher would u need to redownload wow?

Front page of this forum.

I got it guys ty so much I redownloaded battle net hope yall have a great rest of ur day!

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Yay! Have fun :slightly_smiling_face: