How come Classic gear is so much more interesting than BfA gear

Cause BFA is not a real game its an illusion of achievement a mind trick to take your money and waste your time.


You forgot about secondary stats;
But i see it as lesser problem;
Unobvious scaling is the real problem;
Who need stats, when your stats were “normalized” in queued pvp (bg,arena);
You can’t make more -haste focused gear or -crit focused gear or -stam/res focused gear;
Your proccing effects from gear not working in pvp;
You can’t use your trinkets in pvp;

Your talents, your heal and damage abilities work different from pve, sometimes in a very unobvious way;
This starts from pandaria expansion but only for legendary items as i remember;
in BFA scaling comes in ridiculous way, i remember the moment when unequipping a part of your gear make your abilities stronger;
i mean empty slot was more powerful than a +stats item in it;

Everything of this is just a conclusion from stupid line :
More powerful gear to force ppl to raid -> no need for old dungeons -> extra fast gear inflation -> billions numbers of dps/hps/power/etc -> stat squish -> more powerful gear to force ppl to raid-> etc…


Yeah the whole thing with abilities and gear working differently depending on if you’re in the outside world or not, fighting a player or not, it’s a complete mess.

It’s so convoluted and tacked on that I have no idea how they expect anyone to actually understand what the hell is going on.

If the tooltip says that my ability does X damage it should do that damage regardless of what I’m fighting against and where I’m fighting it.


You forgot feral attack power. And probably a few others.

Yeah there are so many that it’s difficult to list them all from memory. It’s a bit easier to list the BfA stats :stuck_out_tongue:

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Calling bfa an mmo is a joke.

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How do you define an MMO? Using your definition, could you name one that isn’t Classic?

It’s not my fav expac but I was getting at the shift away from the RPG in the game systems. Lots of silly MP shooters and action games get the MMO moniker these days… it is Massive, Multiplayer & Online. Is it really an RPG anymore though?

Guess that’s a matter of perspective, I’m on an RP server so arguably the highest RP to G ratio and it’s still hard to see sometimes.

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Hey I bought a slew of purples off the AH with WoW tokens so my character isn’t total suck when I cap. The epic saga of how I spent 40 bucks.

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I don’t know if that’s a case of epics being too common or gold making being too easy but it sure sounds weird to me.

BFA also has the gear issue of -

Imagine going to McDonalds …

to get a 4 piece McNuggets, you pay, get your nuggets and your happy and all that then some idiot comes and also gets 4 piece McNuggets but it McForges into a 12 piece McNuggets with a soda and some fries and you’re standing there like a !@#$ing idiot with your dumb 4 piece McNuggets while he/she has more than you for some weird reason even tho you both payed the same price but you are less rewarded because…
WoW 2018 gearing **



Sure that’s somewhat related. The effort vs reward is very tilted at the moment and the rewards are very temporary too.

Getting gear in the early days felt good for two reasons, one being that it was the best piece for you and the second being that it could potentially stay with you for a very long time, in some instances even over multiple patches.

I think that was a very good way to design rewards. You don’t have to replace every single piece of gear a week after a new patch drops, I’d argue that it should take months to do that and some old pieces could still be your best in slot.


You mean aside from the swords actually being sharp and most of the gear being more practical and less “floaty magic pieces on shoulders” like in TBC?

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Because Classic is an MMORPG and BfA is a poorly executed a action/collection “game.”


Loot boxes, microtransactions and instant no brainer action is paving the future of gaming my friend.

It is interesting because it takes a while to get. On retail you barely even remember the names of gear other than a trinket or two. No one cares about the random bracer with higher Ilvl than the last patch

But I bet anyone that farmed for it remembers rockfury bracers

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BFA loot is the most uninspired, boring, bland and stack sticky gear you could possibly imagine.

It’s just like D3 loot verse D2. D2 had all the interesting procs and fun stuff, D3 was just like BFA / legion (total yawn fest). It’s like someone was paid top $$$ to make the most boring loot system in existence.

And more than 1000 uniques traits for armor. You have MORE choice.

I would reduce the choice for BFA even more so.

Maint Stat stamina and defence all fall into the ilvl metric. So really all you get is.


I loved how it vanilla you could adjust your gear and make yourself more tanky or more damage focused. The only options you have in BFA is the amount of damage you do.
Personally I would sacrifice dps for tankiness in pvp as a arms warrior.

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