How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I think blizzard said in the past that they’re not fond of political stories. It think it interferes with the epic heroic tales they want to write for the game.

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And ironically I think the playerbase would love one patch that is literally just “go back to your home zone and deal with the sociopolitical drama + cool lore development and providing depth to major characters”

Obvs with in-game cinematics and stuff, but nothing too fancy


Hence why I said “if Garithos were still around.”


NO NO NO NO. Please NO. I don’t want to fight any more Horde leaders or former Horde leaders.

To keep this on topic for the thread, how are we supposed to redeem/rebuild ourselves if all we do is produce villains?

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Perhaps, and yet much of the Horde story in MoP and the BfA war campaign was very political, along with some of the leveling story in Zandalar and Kul Tiras. Any story involving the Defias Brotherhood was political. The story of Gilneas in the Worgen starting zone was political. Political stories are all over the game. The Scarlets are currently claiming to have a secret male heir to both the Menethil and Arathor lineages. Even if that isn’t turned into a major plot point, something like that can be used to set up bigger stories.

Fine, how about we catch him and Gazlowe rocket-launches him into Stormwind Harbor with a note saying “Please enjoy,” a bottle of Suramar’s finest arcwine, and a fruit basket? The Alliance can use him for cannon practice.


As a note, and this is a bit of a “redeem/rebuild” tangent for the Horde. I am a proponent for AU Grommash being allowed to join the Horde down the road, should the Lightbound be allowed to return.

If you read “Hellscream” Grom comes off as a far more nuanced character than the Game iteration allows. He actually does deeply care for the well being of the Orcish people, and within it you find out that this motives were akin to him being turned into the Ner’zhul of Garrosh’s KJ. His own son using selective visions of the Orcish people’s fate just after the Second War to convince his father that if the Orcs did not invade Azeroth … it would result in the enslavement and extinction of their race. The attack on the Draenei, sadly was also a bit of nonsense by Garrosh (claiming that if he did not deal with them enough to keep them out of the way, they would get in the way). All to (like KJ) satisfy a personal grudge.

So … we find ourselves in the AU Mag’har recruitment scenario. Its been 30 years since Grom’s crimes. He was “faded to black”, and thus his death remains unconfirmed. And if he is still alive, he is likely being heavily light tortured by his victims. Which means, on top of the tragic self fulfilling prophecy his own actions created for the AU Mag’har, he’s being punished on an individual level as well. So, with the AU Mag’har’s roster needing some serious padding, and because Geya’rah needs growth … tie the rescue of AU Grom into that. She’s very unlikely to be able to save her world, so saving more of her people if the Lightbound return (Grom included) should be fine. He’ll have been punished substantially by then.

Then, the Horde will get A Grommash Hellscream back at least too.

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In my eyes a nice scenario, although it will never solve this “Draenor is free” nonsense, this flaw will remain, and forever negative attached to it…but 30 years after his “original” sin to be punished is…uff, i mean, it would not be a reasonable punishment.

What i mean is, it would be not a punishment, i would don´t call it punishment, more Torturement

No its not, but it is what is its. In my mind “retrieving” Grom is more a desire to give Geya’rah the best chance at some form of development and arc as possible. AU Draenor is doomed. Its a twice damned world and timeline for several reasons by the looks of things. Which means her current goal, to return and save her world, is unnatainable. But, if the Lightbound do have access to dimensional Naaru ships like I’d wager they do, she could still save more of her people. Orcs, Ogres, Ogron, Gronn, and even Grommash. Granted, she’s likely going to have to de-bind any and all of them that remain.

Draenor is Free is frustrating, but I always have to remind myself that Yrel wasn’t the only one who’s character was hurt by the entire center of that expansions story being gutted. And, even if its not “Our” Grom, having A Grom back in the Horde would be a nice gesture if handled right. And as stated before, having AU Grom would benefit and pad out the AU Mag’har’s bare bones roster.

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I say yes, a nice scenario, I would like it. Only this stupid “Draenor is free”, …how can I say, it’s the only thing I associate with this caricature of a Grom by now. This AU-Grom doesn’t come close to the MU -Grom in my eyes, and I don’t like to deal with caricatures.

So yes, for Au-Thrall as a character-grow, yes, I would be for it, but her loss of AU-Grom wouldn’t hurt me much. Yrel is relatively unimportant to me either, it does not harm that Draenei are finally shown with fangs, even without being demons.

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When people refer to the “stupid ‘Draenor is free’ nonsense,” I assume they’re talking about the final cinematic of Warlords of Draenor, and how Alternate Draenor is now supposedly-perfect because the Burning Legion is finally gone. To that, I would say:

Are you sure about that?

Because there’s usually a recurring theme in cases like these—with a RL, often political, counterpart—that “you take down Enemy A, but then they’re replaced with Enemy B, who is even worse.”

Who do we see has taken over/conquered Draenor during the Mag’har Orc questline? Because it’s not the Mag’har Orcs.

It’s Yrel and the Lightbound Draenei.

They’re the new Burning Legion.

Next expansion: The Lightbound Crusade?

Well yes. But we are back to the more bland version I guess. Being part of the Horde does perhaps count something though.

The stupid thing about it was the inconsequence, that it was all Grom’s fault somewhere anyway, and they forgave him because Grom is Badass Hellscream, and his iron will is so strong that he imposes his own will even on the intelligence of others. A little sarcasm on the side.

Grom should not have been celebrated! It was not his work, he was even partly to blame for everything.


On a more thematic level, its also possible to salvage a version of Yrel from this as well. With her potentially being subject to the same sort of “falling prey to an authority figures misleading visions of the future” as AU Grommash was with Garrosh. Regardless, yes, a Lightbound Crusade for a Light Cosmology Expac is interesting. Since if they do have a Prime Naaru as the Light Mother, its very unlikely they are trapped (or would allow themselves to be trapped) on that dying world.

Plus, the AU Mag’har roster isn’t the only one that could use some padding. The Draenei could too.

I mean, by that same token he shouldn’t be celebrated the Main Universe, either.

I guess it only works if you successfully sacrifice yourself like he did with Mannoroth back in Reign of Chaos.

And if the Light Mother even happened to be an alternate version of Xe’ra, she might have sensed the death of herself by a certain eye-blasting demon hunter…?


indeed, but in the end, his end freed his people, and the orcs at this moment…needed a hero, a symbol, not the reminder that no matter what they do, they never seem to manage to be free of the demons. Thrall…needed a heroic narrative to keep the soul of the Horde alive in the fight against the demons.

Yes and no. People are referring with that the nonsensical way of story telling. Why after being freed and after the Iron Hordes war Grommash was shown as a hero next to Yrel and the Draenei that suffered so much. It seemed like a bad joke, a broken world now “magical” in peace.
It’s not about the Legion at all. One could think they would know how teaming up against the Legion works from Warcraft III…

The main universe is similar but at the end still different.


If it is a Prime Naaru of the same sort of ideology as Xe’ra, even some alternate version of her … the Lightbound are going to be a real problem. Especially since they have a very “invasion of the body snatchers” way of dealing with forced conversion. Just like what Xe’ra was trying to do with Illidan, they seem perfectly able to Bind and Convert you by force.

God they would be a fun antagonist if used right.

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a Naaru Prime should be much more powerfull, then we got atleast. Xe’Ra …was not shown very powerfull.

Well, she was also just put back together from her shards just before she was blasted. So who knows, she might have not been in a fully recovered state and just jumped the gun on her passion for Illidan. I would assume that a version of her (or Naaru like her) that’s been doing this a while is going to be way more of a problem. And way more concerning. Especially since we now know at least that Naaru are just the Wild Gods of the Light Cosmology. They ain’t the top beast of that food chain.