How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

This quote is very interesting. From Danuser.

“The Alliance is going to have to realign itself. Especially the Night Elves who lose their home. How are they going to react to this? There’s going to be a real self-examination of what the Alliance is about, and how they want to behave. Do they want to get revenge on the Horde, or do they want to build a better world? That’s a question they need to answer.”

So the Alliance is quite literally told they have to buddy up and be kind to the Horde in order to “build a better world”. We are not allowed to get revenge. SO the writers want us to forgive and befriend the Horde, who hate and want nothing to do with the Alliance. How is that satisfactory in any way for an Alliance player?


You mean the entire conceptual narrative of nearly every Horde race? Oh no, we’re refugees that lost everything! Whatever will we do?! However will we manage to fix ourselves … again?

You want a simple answer. Let the Horde reps get the plot-armor that the Alliance reps always enjoy while they’re on the defensive for a while. You don’t need superman powerups to justify that, just survival skills (which the Horde reps have in spades). Horde locals and rando population numbers are perfectly acceptable to swing at, but if we’re on the defense … the goal is to test our underdeveloped reps and council. Thus, the Alliance gets their hits in. Pushes us to the breaking point, even with some temp blown up cities and lost zones … but “pressure makes diamonds for our roster”.

And since the number one issue the Horde is facing is our character roster being kind of a laughable joke of B-Listers at best … this will allow for your “Growth through loss” question to be answered. It might also give us a chance at repairing and redefining our damaged as hell Faction Identity.


Is being a “Hero” more important than being compelling and interesting rather than bland and generic? Who is the more popular character? Arthas or Anduin?

Right, it super sucks that you guys are stuck in that position. Especially since Blizz has done a HORRIFIC job defining what exactly the Horde and its races bring to the table to help craft that “Better World”.

Terrible for both sides.


WHICH Plot-armor you mean? i mean, the horde have a big plotarmor aswell, so tell me, which plotarmor?

rando population, yeah, i mean, destroying orgrimmar, destroying the city´s you like and care, how would that fix anything? It would end in the next round of “Faction Toxity” …the same as we have now, oh yeah, you hear my enthusiasm

I can understand that, but the former warchiefs are defined by this. So it seems almost like there’s something missing with interpretation of pride or something. I’m not saying your wrong.

It is when being the… What even is the Horde? Anti-hero suffering from short term memory loss?

I am not making a comment on who has it worse or whatever, but I will say that I personally would prefer the Alliance’s treatment just because at least it is consistent.

Consistency means I can play my characters as I always have without worrying about the narrative forcing them to act violently in opposition to their character traits. Consistency means I can much more easily just play my characters rather than worry about the meta narrative and how it is imposing negative traits on me.

That could all just be “grass is greener on the other side” but it is how I see things.


I mean, you guys either want to strike back at the horde, or you don’t. Because it just seems really weird, people throw suggestions out there for you guys to get your much needed revenge and it’s always But…consequences man, why do we have to deal with the aftermath? Feels like I’m missing something


The fact that during faction conflicts you never lose actual characters. To the point where Blizz has to actually develop new ones out of thin air to kill off instead, and the Alliance still mourns them to absurd levels. And they aren’t even dead … fully lol! And yeah, blow up Org. Its an eye-sore and the races that live there will fix it in a week. Maybe we’ll get a new Org with a not abysmal layout and finally get rid of the garbage Garrosh spikes? Go after BW Harbor if you want too for that matter.

But no, we can’t have that. The expectation is that the Horde characters die while being forced to be the aggressors AND while they’re the defenders. Otherwise the Alliance being the aggressors is not satisfying? And then the Horde reps get totally ignored in between. In this absurdly hero driven game.

If you have read my answers so far, you should know that I do not feel assigned to a faction. And here in the forum always represent only my opinion, regardless of factions.

You know what would really be an improvement? If the community doesn’t attack each other as if they were just waiting to tear each other apart.

Look at theramore, and other citysÖh, Nop…sorry, fixing in a weak? Never ever, even stormwind tooks a few years to fix it.

Did you know that all these “newly developed” characters are now on Horde-side?..Oops, who do you think they were meant for?

Definitely not for the alliance :wink:

You prefer the Alliance “good guy” treatment but not enough to actually main Alliance correct? Because i’m the opposite. I would rather the Alliance be much more bloodthirsty and ruthless like the Horde is, but i don’t want to play Horde.

Yeah you are, as if it isn’t obvious. Why does the Horde not expect consequences? Micah? There’s no reason to EXPECT to be villain batted for revenge. The Alliance deserve their revenge as part of an ongoing conflict, not NOW IT’S YOUR TURN HYUCK.

And this is why people love the original Warcraft games, especially Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

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Who? And we want consequences. No one is arguing against that.

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I will admit though that it was definitely not what horde players like, but that is not the fault of the alliance community, but Blizzard’s attitude about “hero characters”.

but sure, who do you want to kill? Jaina, Tyrande, Genn, Malfurion, Anduin?

Those are the best developed alliance characters atm.

You when you’re crying about Moral Absolutism because the Alliance has victims to the Horde’s genocides.
The bag looks good on you baby. I thought the truck got you last Tuesday, but I thought you’d make the Hefty a dress instead of wearing it on your head.

Pretty much. The main reason I am not playing Alliance now is because I can’t play a troll Alliance-side and I just in general dislike the Stormwind aesthetic.

But as a roleplayer I haven’t had to sit down and agonize about the game’s story and how I can possibly justify my characters’ continued loyalty to their faction with my Alliance characters. I had to shelf my main for BfA and play one of my alts because of how badly my character contrasted with what the story was having him do.


I get what you’re trying to go for but as the player character is a blank slate, dictated only by the quests the game gives you to advance the story, I personally feel that consistency would be better than unpredictability. Arthas was a good character but I didn’t want him to be MY character. And Anduin may be boring as hell, but given that what I originally found charming about this game was the premise of being a “good monster,” I actually find his intent (if not his depth) more in-line with what I wanted.

For me, it’s not just the characters. It’s about my own as well, and my willingness to self-insert a bit. Garrosh and Sylvanas frustrated me to no end, especially the latter. I read about the stuff she did, I know she was HELLA dark, but I wanted to hold out a little hope that maybe something positive could be spun out of her story. Not that I don’t think she shouldn’t face consequences of some kind, but it bums me out to not only see a character with her history go the way she did in BFA, but to drag the entire faction with her in the process.

My character has gone from fighting the lich king, to supporting Garrosh’s war of conquest, to helping Malfurion, to fight for Garrosh more, before fighting against him halfway through, to rescuing Tyrande and Malfurion, to being told to kill Tyrande and Malfurion, to support Sylvanas’s reign, to quietly rebel against Sylvanas, to rescuing Tyrande again. It is a whirlwind of WTF and I can’t even picture what kind of character my own character is supposed to be.

And I’m not going to say that BFA’s alliance-side faction war content was all roses either. In fact, I found it immensely funny that it’s actually more emotionally consistent for a horde character to do the alliance war campaign than an actual alliance character. But damn do I wish there was some stability. And fewer war crimes. Because I can’t wrap my head around “I’m a hero (who had to help a genocidal regime)”. :confounded:


Killing Tyrande is just going to send a really bad message. Killing any Night elves again isn’t going to go over well, with anyone.

That was just demanded, they complained that you couldn’t kill more night elf characters in BFA, they wanted to kill a main character with Teldrassil at the same time, sure.

I think Malfurion would have been the right choice, Droite, right? Or Jaina in the battle of Dazar’Alor (no probs with that opionon btw)