How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

You’re ignoring his twitter banner. Why does he have it as Suramar? He loves Nathanos and Sylvanas. So maining a Hunter also corroborates that. Plus he wears Horde merch. Chances are high he mains Horde. There is no evidence he plays Alliance.

I’m just going to add this here before the conversation has a chance to go in weird places.

I think we’ve seen that if the devs are biased towards Horde - and I do believe that to an extent they are - this is not necessarily good for the Horde’s experience. You can have an out-of-touch dev on stage screaming “who’s your warchief!?” at a crowd of sycophants somewhere in the middle of BFA - but this doesn’t magically mean that the majority of Horde players like the experience they’re getting.


Wearing Horde merch is valid, I’ll take it.

Suramar isn’t, lots of RP folks have “from Suramar” as part of their Night Elf story since Legion.

Oh. Good point.

So now we have which lead devs on Alliance? The new quest lead designer - freshly promoted - is also Horde. At least he said “For the Horde” because of his promotion.

Great, maybe they can beat us and treat us like a worthless plot device like they always do despite “loving to write the Horde” some more. Its fascinating how Blizz claims to love the Horde despite nearly every story they have focusing on us tears us down more, and more, and more. And they take nearly every opportunity to laze out or just run away from any “rebuilding” of the Faction afterwards. I would love for a Dev who actually likes the Horde, and not one who just feels more free to do whatever the hell they want with it without caring about the consequences…

Consequences that usually do not have to be borne by the horde alone, see bfa, both sides have to bear the consequences.

Unfortunately, the TRUE comic-book solution isn’t really available to us—that being a hard reboot.


Oh, I never suggested they were. I just don’t think they give a damned enough about the Faction their using to care about those sort of things. The Horde in BfA was the Vehicle for the Story. A plot device. Little else. The Alliance, the Passenger. The only real character who’s story really mattered was Steven Denusar’s Waifu and Golden’s Cat. Everything else needed to be twisted into knots to set that up, so she could settup SLs.

EDIT: Which is why I will not be shocked if Blizz puts more work into “redeeming” Sylvanas, than they do the Horde as a whole lol!

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I hope you can see why I hate the ubernarrative now.

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I guess they love the Old Horde, given how often they try to remake the New one back into it, only to desperately backpedal to try to appease it’s fans? Or someone above them trying to reign them back in? Or the reverse, the people in charge love the Old Horde and demand the New Horde be like it, and the writers are trying keep the New Horde as clean as they can via scapegoating a few ‘bad actors’?

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for the 30th anniversary there will be an exclusive Deep-Table-Dive about Thrall, just what the WOW-Com needs.


They love the Old Horde so much they refuse to recognize the consequences for those Hordes. People manipulated and destroyed utterly. Who lost everything, turned into monsters. Which is why they also have to repeatedly rely on the damned WC3 Horde to save the Faction … because the WC1/WC2 Horde they apparently love … already destroyed itself repeatedly. As did the Dark Horde, the True Horde, the Fel Horde, and the Iron Horde that all fell into that same theme and category.

Its like they know enough that they realize that the only thing justifying the Horde Faction beyond game mechanics is the WC3 Vision of the Horde and the Characters who are supposed to represent it. So they use them as a tool to save it whenever they get to have their WC1/WC2 Horde fun. That would certainly explain their clear lack of care for the consequences, and their constant evasion of rebuilding the Horde Faction after (because it would be the WC3 vision that saved the Horde they’d be forced to rebuild).

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I think that they’re fans of Lehman Brothers.

They take on all of these toxic assets and drag the entire institution into the mud. Then they think that they can spin all of that off into a “Bad Bank” and keep the remainder of the institution pristine for a potential buyer to pick up.

What they appear to have missed is: that didn’t work for Lehman.

Go directly to your transportation. Do not talk to the press.

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We really need an expansion with a Cataclysm styled revamp of the old world for a new leveling experience, and they need to make that about rebuilding both factions. It’d be far more timeless than the not-war that was a war that is Cataclysm. I’d like to see the opportunity taken to actually expand on cultures and introduce new characters and develop them.

Maybe with the Mag’har’s presence they begin re-establishing the old Clans, and this also attracts a number of Orcs who aren’t from AU Draenor, causing the Orc race to be led by a council of elders whom report directly to chieftains.

It might even cause the Tauren to reflect on their past since uniting as a nation and deciding they also need to begin putting more emphasis on their individual tribal customs and cultures. It’d be nice to see Thunderbluff likewise led by a council rather than just Baine. Mayla may have been set up into a relationship with Baine, but I still feel like Hamuul and Jevan would help balance out the Tauren’s racial narrative with more pro-active elements that don’t come off as quite so spineless; I could even see Jevan going so far as to believe the Alliance was using Baine’s nature against him for their own ends, without becoming a Warhawk either.

Gazlowe definitely needs a chance to really update the goblin’s racial narrative now that Gallywix is gone. Seeing what he would do with Azshara would be a nice step. I could see him remodeling the Pleasure Palace into something more useful, maybe a school for teaching engineering and researching it. He seems the sort to have the business savvy to invest in the future.

Letting the Forsaken re-establish the Desolate Council would be nice. All the better if Calia isn’t on the council but becomes a symbolic monarch for the Forsaken, someone without any actual authority but whom acts as a figurehead for those who do. I’d love to see how the Forsaken would advance and develop on their own. I could see the Royal Apothecary Society becoming something more akin to Game of Throne’s Maesters.

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Dude, IF real politics and real world standards are irrelevant in regards to WoW, then caring for the Teldrassil issue is but a waste of time in itself (cause guess what? No Geneva Convention in WoW, ergo the “genocide” claim is kinda surreal when there´s NO standard in-universe and/or in-game even mentioning this classification of the conflict even exists, period.

Bad shonen anime protagonist are usually teenagers that magically and unrealistically get to chastise everybody and their mother over stuff / patriotism / moral stance / etc. Ergo, making their whole claims nothing but a parody.

As if “putting down” Sylvanas is an actual “unifying” event. It isn´t. If it was there wouldn´t be Teldrassil QQ running rampant still in the very story of the game. Killing Sylvanas doesn´t erase the baggage unrelated to her (like the previous conflicts) nor magically makes the races from both factions suddendly understand and empathizise with each other.

Because his presence IS worthless in the story, and was only made “worthy” at the cost of destroying characters (Saurfang, Sylvanas) or mocking them (Tyrande). The story didn´t organically reached Anduin´s conclussion and proven it right as a result of coherent writting, it reached it literally bending the narrative like a pretzel, retconning stuff and ignoring other stuff. Ergo, awful writting.

So the Horde biggest aspiration is to represent suicidal veterans that literally need the words of a rando idealistic and inexperienced teenager absolutely ignorant and unrelated to their lives to even function or reach understanding of their realities?

Cause I find this an awful and humiliating aspiration tbqh.

So, Absolute Moral Goodness cause muh race is Human, amrite? :upside_down_face:

Pellex… the fact he/she/whatever is only interested in getting (and keep getting) the “biggest slice” of the pie was evident kinda 50 post ago or something.

Indeed, but with actual writting quality and standards -which implies fairness-. And I know you aren´t actually against getting villain batted as long as you “destroy stuff in-game” so in a way you actually get it.

The issue is with the people moaning over getting their “reparations” but clinging like a baby Koala to the Absolute Moral Highground BS that is responsible for the Alliance being depicted as reactive only, passive, incompetent pansies in the first place.

So nope, post No. 5 IS still pretty much logical IF Alliance narrative is NOT to get addressed accordingly to the changes needed for Horde, no more and no less.

If the writting for the Alliance doesn´t change then the Horde will only be doomed to continue fulfiling the “villain´s source” spot simply because the Alliance WILL never fulfill this spot, period.

Maybe because the Horde was NEVER written as Wolverine but as the Red Skull -yup, since Cata. The only one that tried to give some semblance of anti-heroism to Garrosh was Afriasiabi in Stonetalon and as we learned afterwards, this was done but thanks to bad communication at the time, rofl.

Azeroth awakes and literally sanitizes everything in a huge show of acarne power (killing everybody while at it?).

Then here comes WoW 2 using the exploration of another AU “Azeroth” as explanation.


That would definitely interest me way more than this dumb afterlife story.
And make each zone’s campaign into something like DnD campaign.

The exile island story was pretty good and fun. We need more of that.

But I still want Alliance to hit Horde right.
We need to return to the old setting.

Horde is the underdog and weak individually but strong as a unit.

Alliance is strong individually (each kingdom feels independent) but are in an Alliance pact of mutual defense.

For all the Theramore, and Teldrassil we need Alliance to fled its muscles and make it clear it won’t happen again. Because right now the Horde is only one bad argument away from attacking again.

To be honest, I am very well past the point of wanting more faction conflict. I’d prefer Battlegrounds to be updated lore-wise to exist as War Games agreed upon by both factions for the purpose of training new recruits. The fact they operate within the same theaters is because those locations are already convenient, having all of the necessary infrastructure.

The Alliance hitting the Horde hard doesn’t really do anything at this point.

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Hard disagree. Please stop marginalizing PVP - and further, I’m sorry, but the Alliance does have issues that require resolution through faction conflict. It doesn’t have to be a BFA style affair, but we’re not at a point where peace makes sense or ends in a way that doesn’t leave player communities out in the cold.

Just to add emphasis (you’re completely correct) this is how bad the current narrative has left us. Either a ridiculous retcon of massive proportions or a hand wave and move on. Neither of which is really satisfactory to either player base.

I may differ with your choice of the lazy option but it isn’t because I have a strong preference, and in full fairness a convoluted solution would require a serious quality of writing that I can’t help but be skeptical about.

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