How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

They could’ve given you horde to fight without making them guilty of matricide.


That went out the window when Sylvanas was made Warchief. Again, I’ve been playing for a while. I pay attention. I’ve seen Hillsbrad, Gilneas, Silverpine, and Andorhal. I know how Sylvanas fights and what kinds of orders she gives. Brennadam was absolutely 100% consistent and in line with her established conduct. If anything it was tamer than what I’d normally expect from her because at least the Horde didn’t also desecrate the place as well.

An argument can be made that the Horde went along with it too easily, and I’d tentatively agree, but that gets into problems stretching all the way back to vanilla in terms of why the Horde tolerated the Forsaken’s conduct at all.

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No, it didn’t.

Sylvanas had a long, really bad rap sheet even before she became Warchief and I’m not sure why you think that should have gone away just because she got a big chair.

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I think he means, there are plenty of other examples of the Horde attacking in BfA that don’t involve spearing women against the side of buildings and leaving the children there to watch and grieve. It’s a little excessive.


I guess I object to the notion that it’s inconsistent with what one should expect the Horde led by an all-powerful Sylvanas Windrunner would do. I think that if there’s an objection to be made here, it’s that there wasn’t more dissent earlier. As it stands, all we can really do to explain that is try to infer that Sylvanas was telling the Horde lies about the war or about what was happening and was also actively enabling its most bloodthirsty elements.

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Sylvanas wasn’t the one personally spearing parents to walls, though. It’s not like the horde was lacking in villainous presentation before that point. Hell, even before Teldrassil itself, they weren’t. Because they were the aggressors.

Brennadam didn’t seem to serve any purpose but to continue singing about how horrible the horde could be, long past the point where it was necessary. If it was at all.


I’m not arguing about Sylvanas at all.

Hire this man now.

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