How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Yes, yes, YES!

Honestly, so many good ideas in this thread.
I wish the writers would put only half as much effort into the rebuilding of things close to our hearts as we fans do.


On the Kalimdor side, perfect. on the EK side - I think that the Forsaken need to push at least to the Greymane wall.


The reason is that if people were to come there, they would not come as citizens of the Alliance/Horde, but as members of the Argent Crusade.

I can see granting the northern portion of Taneris over, but I dont think the Bronze Dragonflight or its timekeeper organization would tolerate either faction trying to claim ownership over the caverns of time.

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Fair enough. Its really just Gadget and Zul’Farrak (and the local territory) that is of interest for either the Gobs or Trolls. Plus, that little sliver would be enough for us to make use of Ungoro. South of that is unneeded. So … yeah … cut that bugger right in half. Everything that could enhance Horde stories is in the Northern part.


Seriously, Jintha’Alor is the most underappreciated city in this game. That terraced look is both practical and super classic. I would love to see that place rebuilt to its grandeur for the FTs.


I think that Feralas should also include night elf areas, after all and finally they have important areas there until today. And what happens with Dire Maul well, another topic.

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My biased butt thinks Hillsbrad should be firmly split betweeen the worgen and forsaken. That’s me though :wolf:

I presume all of the areas aren’t completely controlled by one faction or the other. But if they are I’d move some of the purples zones in Kalimdor around more. Un’Goro go purple, part of Tanaris goes red but not all, Dustwallow contested with Theramore there still.

Eastern Kingdoms go full to the Greymane Wall red, but make Hillsbrad contested still. As is Eastern Kingdoms with that Alliance @ Tyr’s Hand idea.

Also you colored Highmountain purple. Rude. Thats ours.

I’d be more willing to accept something like this with the Hyjal idea, but its warming up. I still think logistically it does make sense for the Horde to have a presence, through Warsong or Splintertree, in that southern corridor rather than the Night Elves needing to defend two entrances since the presumption is war. Still, if all of Ashenvale is the goal here and the Horde can access Demon Fall, and perhaps even protect it from the Ashenvale side, then you can get somewhere with me.

Still, one of my main wants here is to open northern Kalimdor for Horde players to experience content and story. The Horde proper does not need to be there, but access to players need to be there.

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I’m not sure if that would really go over well, would it? To me, it just seems like an unavoidable fact that Silverpine (the forsaken’s Darkshore equivalent) has pretty much been thematically divvied up with the worgen now and I don’t see that being fully reclaimable without pissing off their fans.

I consider Silverpine and Gilneas as separate territories, and the Greymane wall is the most reasonable barrier that I can see between the two.

The issue with the Horde holding Splintertree or the Warsong Lumber Camps for the Night Elves is that the defensive situation goes from having to defend one to two chokepoints to an entire front and against a technologically superior enemy. I don’t see that as being a tenable situation, and so I wouldn’t see the Night Elves putting up with letting their enemy - again, an enemy that has repeatedly killed their civilians and has gone on wars of extermination - get that kind of advantage.

Getting players places is different. Players have a lot more mobility and flexibility than armies would.

The world would just feel cooler, imo, if more places grew / became cities for the factions. Especially if they went forward with city ideas like Dazar’alor and Boralus. Cities that can feature questing areas as well as questing hubs.

Gnomergan, Jintha’alor, Gilneas, Bilgewater Harbor, Icemist Village, Stormgrade … could all be made into incredible cities / questing hubs in my opinion. Not only that but bring a huge degree of racial / faction pride to those groups and can have so much potential for conflicts within the factions.

Like, Goblin and Gnome cities could both have endless fun / potential questing with testing out inventions, trying to stop incidents from failed experiments, or a host of mini games that come from invention fun. Perhaps something like the Kyrian mount trainers where you can side with one inventor or another as the two compete with each other over which of their approaches are better. (With each being gnomes / goblins for their respective faction, not a interfactional rivalry)


I honestly don’t think the Forsaken could hold that territory should the Worgen reclaim and rebuild Gilneas; especially not with Stormgarde rebuilt too. Not to mention, those are the two Human kingdoms with the MOST Ire with both the Undead and Forsaken. They aren’t likely to tolerate them there. And to top all of this off, Crowley’s lands are actually that little territory north of the Greymane Wall too. So, I’m sure that guy would appreciate them back. Long story, while Fenris Isle should probably go to the Forsaken to defend Lordaeron (and Shadowfang goes to Gilneas for their defense) … that hilly craggy mountain terrain in between the Sepulcher and Ambermill would make a better national border between the Forsaken and Gilneas.

If I recall correctly (I could be wrong), Pyrewood Village and Shadowfang Keep were at least retconned to being Gilnean in Cata and that the wall just left them out.

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Pretty much. Gilnean territory is actually pretty huge and does include villages like Pyrewood and Shadowfang Keep. Silverpine was pretty evenly split between old Lordaeron and Gilneas. :wolf:

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and as i remember from the last book, its fully retaken in bfa, + isle fenris.

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Not always though, which is the point I was getting at. Assuming I remember correctly, of course. Functionally, a part of in-game forsaken territory was carved off and rewritten to actually be Gilnean and that’s why it can’t be “reclaimed” anymore.

I’d argue that the keep would be easy for the Worgen to hold, but that the village is way too exposed to prevent the Forsaken from contesting that area. It’s possible that the Worgen could throw up a defensive front between the keep and the wall, but that’s pretty flat territory going up against an opponent that probably has quite a bit in the way of blight stores to throw in that direction. I wouldn’t expect the Forsaken to be able to overcome the local fortifications without considerable effort, but I also don’t see the Worgen being able to consistently supply that keep.

Fenris Island was a recent addition that is actually under control of Ivar Bloodfang, he’s not gilnean though. :wolf:

he isn´t? Since when?