I still don’t buy the, “We have to drag the Alliance down to make the Horde better in comparison” argument.
Suddenly having people turn racist/bigoted when they weren’t before doesn’t make the Horde any better because they’re fighting a righteous fight against close-minded aggressors.
Now, I would say it’s feasible for Alliance troops to have that outlook, much as is the case with orcs and such wanting to gut “pinkskins”. Kul Tirans, especially, could easily be painted with the same brush as Daelin Proudmoore, but people like Jaina and Katherine are not Daelin and that’s kinda the point of their characters.
Likewise, in Before the Storm we go into Genn’s motivations and hate for the Forsaken, and it boils down to hate for Sylvanas once he comes to see the Forsaken as people rather than simply undead monsters.
Turalyon/Alleria might have lingering hatred for the old Horde but they’re 1000 years separated from that, and it was with the help of Horde champions that the Legion was broken. Though I realize that’s a poor argument to make, seeing as how Blizzard can just as easily go, “Nah, that doesn’t matter to them now” as much as Alliance champions helping save all of Suramar. The difference being that Thalyssra didn’t become “racist” to night elves, only that she joined their opposition.
Speaking of which, I’d say Tyrande is the most feasible in regards to, “If it wears red, it’s gonna be dead”, but that’s not racism so much as… faction-ism? Like, she isn’t liable to kill a gaggle of orcs who are part of the Argent Crusade just because they’re orcs.
I’m starting to ramble, but I guess the point is that overt racism shouldn’t be a thing for the leaders of either faction because those aren’t qualities that leaders should have, and not something players can look up to. (Or rather, shouldn’t. I know some would, unfortunately.)