How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

I thought he had changed his mind about it and approved of it once he finally saw Teldrassil.

But you will purify it. And no one is going to grow a new world tree. This is a sign of excessive pride or something like that.

The Land of UC will be cleansed, we got two confirmation for this.

First: shadow Rising
Second: The explorer book

Well, faits accomplis can be changed badly, especially when a whole ecosystem exists on it now.

And you’re still derailing the thread.


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No, I mean I thought he actually approved afterward, not simply accepted it because it happened.

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Why did he deny the creation of a new world tree? Because of Fandral’s motive: Can’t grow trees for immortality?

After all, they are at Hyjal now, why would they create another Teldrassill, what purpose does that serve if they can make Hyjal their home again and settle around Nordrassil?

Because the writers realized they screwed up.


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Probably just for meta reasons to give the players something to want to come back to. In-universe, it’d likely just be some schlock about “nature endures, hope cannot be killed, yada yada abracadabra magic tree growth powers activate.”

i would prefer to retake ashenvale as nightelf and use hyjal …as only night elf zone again, so we have the coreareas of night elves again:

hyjal, Ashenvale, Felwood, Darkshore.

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Sure, whatever, take them. What does that have to do with rebuilding the Horde?


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Okay. Can we blame the Horde for this and kick them out of Hyjal and Moonglade on that basis?

You can’t derail a thread that is about a topic that is fundamentally connected to the Horde, only that there are more perspectives than just the ones the Horde players want to see. Echo chambers are not good.

i answered sarm there :wink:

Sure you can.

Arguing about who has it worse isn’t doing anything to rebuild the Horde.

The Horde Narrative is not dependent on the Alliance.



you can´t, its another side of the coin, but its still the same coin as theme of the thread.

No, it isn’t.

The status of the Alliance narrative is inconsequential to the status of the Horde narrative and vice versa.

This is the exact problem that occurred in Kyalin’s thread.



thats wrong, both narratives are linked to each other and influence each other…this is not the last faction war.

They don’t have to as I and several others have pointed out already in this thread.

Horde getting new characters to fill in the roster gaps created by death and villain-batting in no way involves the Alliance.



It’s a narrative, a thread, it may not have always been implemented well by Blizzard, but of course it has both sides to look at and so both sides are linked.

The narrative is not the story alone, it is also the development of the story to what goal.

And we’re talking about the Horde thread. Not the Horde thread as it relates to the Alliance thread.
