How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Well I do not know. Do you want to get many characters for long-term development at the cost of a dead population?

My suggestions are already posted in this thread.

I’m not here to indulge the Alliance’s hurt feelings.



Yes, yes, yes, prove the Horde’s usefulness, clever fault closure. M. Let the Horde population die in preparation for the simultaneous closing of the rifts?

So, you going to get back on topic or keep derailing?


The Night Elves are Alliance and the Horde crushed their defences and burned whatever they wanted down to the ground.

So the Alliance crushed the Horde at UC, BoD, Arathi and Darkshore (post-WoT).


All this places still exist, teldrassil did not exist anymore

I’m just offering a price for your fix. “After all, this is a game about two factions”, if only I knew when to use it.
So, repairing the Horde. What are the main complaints there? Lack of characters, villainous bit, lack of motivation to kill the Alliance, lack of representation in “neutral” content?

UC is in the same state as Teldrassil. Inaccessible.


This thread is not about 2 factions.


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The Alliance didn’t crush the Horde because the deployed the blight and Andiun admitted the attack had failed.

Jaina shows up and makes a small hole for Andiun and a group of heroes to rush the small breach.
They fight through the forces there and get to Sylvanas before she springs her final trap that the Alliance barely escapes.

You are mad that you didn’t get to kill Malfurion or a quest text told you 1/8 death ratio. I don’t think you can fairly say these two events are remotely the same thing.

As for the rest they were cyclical fights like battlegrounds. The Alliance didnt win anyhing until we heard in an interview that one certain dev thinks they won both of those engagements.

Well, okay. Did I remember the problems correctly?

“Our King just routed your armies.”

Nah, but keep projecting. :point_down:



You are putting both WoT and BoL on the same level and using that as an argument why both factions equally have the same problems.

Its like me saying Alliance lost Varian and so therefore Alliance now too has a shortage of compelling characters to choose from like the Horde.

Tirisfal still exist, or not? The terrain arround uc will be cleansed and this place will be as it was before.

You are ignoring the premise of this thread to lament your hurt feelings regarding how Blizzard screwed up the story.

You claim the WoT was a huge win against the Alliance and Horde players should feel good about it because Horde killing city guards shows how strong they are.

At the same time you diminish that the Alliance fought the entire Horde at the SoL and forced them to flee.



And the tree will be regrown. See how that works?


Are the burnt trees alive?

The tree COULD be regrown, but malfurion was against this tree in the first place, why should he change his mind now? Hyjal will be their new(old)Place.

And you still argue in a loop, its exist differences between WOT, SOL and the Rest of the Addon.

And the land around UC could be cleansed.
