How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Let’s trade? What do you want to get (or harm the Alliance) at your own expense? And what will you trade? Earth? Cities? Characters? Population?

For someone to lose someone else needs to win.
Otherwise its a draw.

The Horde won plain and simple.
Just because it didn’t fulfill some domination fantasy of every NE leader dying and the NEs becoming an occupied client state to the Horde does not mean the Horde did not crush the Alliance in WoT and win a unequivocal victory.

This is a group of posters that think the writers literally go to work and have meetings about how to screw over night elf players.

Yeah, they’re unreasonable.


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Well, sometimes every fan has the feeling that the night elves are particularly affected because they have a particularly extensive (by warcraft standards) background where theoretically many changes can exist.

But this exist on many fanbases, this feeling, not only on the night elves.

Kind of like the Alliance at the SoL. The Horde sure didn’t win. But, of course, checks notes that’s different.


The horde won, thats canon, the horde denied the alliance their “price”, as a faction, they won, you could argue the forsaken lost…this would be true.

We’re crazy, we’re dancing
We don’t give a damn about anything, ha ha!
Our song is endless
Like moans, here are the things:
They don’t make sense.
Overturning the rocker arms, we are the whole world
Let us burn, ditch, the time of “equality”! Oh yeah!

Uhhh they had it. Massive advantage in the territory when you take into account a skeleton crew + civilians were good enough to basically slow significantly the Horde military machine composed by members of all the core races. And they DID get portrayed as achieving this by both guerrilla tactics AND in a minor way by proxy of Malfurion being his usual OP self. The status quo was that the presence of BOTH Tyrande and Malfurion would had made the invasion IMPOSSIBLE. Which means 2 individuals >>>>>>>>> Horde military.

And the Horde didn´t manage to push it´s way into Darkshore thanks to brute force either, it was needed actual cunning and the input of Trolls -who you know… kinda needed a way to contact the Shatterspear circunventing the Nelves-. Which means the image of the Nelves being effectively a STRONGER nation was never violated in any point of the WoT narrative.

When a writer tells explicitly this, how can people end up saying “them Nelves gut portrayed as WEAKER than X”. I doubt the writers will ever give the same courtesy to any Horde race, heck the fact Orgrimmar has gotten sieged twice pathetically easy says all about how much weaker the Horde already gets portrayed in-game in comparison to the Alliance races and their OP racial leader roster.

UC destroyed
Tirisfal occupied by Alliance
Saurfang captured

Yeah, Horde won

  • the Alliance



Alliance army almost entirely gone
Tirisfal got NOT OCCUPIED, stop lying, this never happened. Because UC get destroyed, because this land was plagued, the alliance left the shores of Tirisfal for good.

They occupied land arround gilneas, but this was later and we only know this from a tabble-mission.

This is true

They won until the Horde Noped out of there and made the “win” meaningless.

You see the question becomes agency.
If the Alliance somehow completely nullified the Horde win at Teldrassil then the Horde win would not count.

Imagine if the Horde got to the shores of Darkshore and Tyrande summoned a moonshield that made it impossible for anyone to breech it or maybe Elune teleports the tree into her domain. Would the Horde still have won because they destroyed all the NE defences? I don’t think so.

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Yeah, so far gone they were able to win every battle in BfA after WoT. Ok…

When the Horde fled UC who was left?

It wasn’t Horde.

Again, what did the Alliance lose at the SoL.

Their military? Nah, their military was fine which is why they won every battle in BfA after the WoT.

Any characters? Nope. They lost no one and captured the orc racial leader.



Kind of like the WoT. It amounted to nothing for the Horde. The Night elves still had their military and their leaders and were even present for the SoL immediately following the WoT.


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their trained soldiers were gone, they recruited farmer.

The Horde crushed the Alliance and burned a capital and entire zone down.
Not nothing at all.

Again just because you did not to dominate the Alliance wholly and completely because Blizzard allowed them to keep their leaders and the NPCs exist in the game is not a slight against the Horde or its players.

Jesus you are as bad as the people on the Alliance that won’t be satisfied until every single Horde character is dead and every city in ruins.

The night elves “have run out of population”. Isn’t that a worthy reward?

However … What would you like to get in exchange for the population?


When? The Alliance wasn’t there. Only a small force of city guards and night elf civilians.

Can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a capital city…

If you say so…

At least you’re predictable:



Except they haven’t.


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But they say that they have lost. So what do you want to get in exchange for the population?

I want you to get back on topic.
