How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)



in terms of military power and domination, it was, the Night elves were completly drive of their own homeland, that means not the win was a good one. that´s not the argument, but it was on every Term a WIN!

The reason why you don’t think it is because the Horde had losses and they didn’t get to destroy the Alliance as it was a stated objective of the initial attack.


Several key objectives were not met. Namely:

  • killing Malfurion

  • occupying Teldrassil

  • eliminating the Night Elves as a threat

So, yeah. Horde sustained horrendous losses for what?

Same thing with Alliance at SoL.



This is like saying just because Sylvanas did not get her wildest fantasies fulfilled by her attack then no matter what the Horde accomplished is meaningless.

It did eliminating the night elves as a thread and would the entire night warrior didn´t exist, the night elfs would not got their lands back.

this was a way to go, but not the goal, the goal was the devastating crushed defeat of the alliance/nightelves, and this was a fully succes, it should create a wound which can never heal.

Yes, please tell me Mr. Alliance about how to think about things.

Destroying the Alliance wasn’t a stated objective of the WoT. However:

Now, I can say the same thing about why Alliance don’t see SoL as a victory. Some of their objectives (which were never going to happen) didn’t happen.



The main goal of the Horde: hr … this … what is there … Ah! Blackmail the Alliance! Take the night elves hostage! Or is it … to kill hope. Well … hr …

The difference is: Even blizzard and the developer admited, the Alliance LOST both events, SOL too. This is official canon.

False. It did nothing to the Night Elves. They were able to participate in the SoL immediately following the WoT.

Yes, it was. That’s why Sylvanas stated “prepare to invade the tree” before she talked to … that one elf.


because their army was still intact. but a entire race is more then an army.

This was a way to fullfill this goal, the goal was to create a wound which can never heal.

It was. Sylvanas specifically says the objective to kill Malfurion and occupy the tree was to create a wedge in the Alliance that will destroy them.
That failed so she decided to change the objective to cause such a devastating damage that would cause them to become careless hence why she burned Teldrassil.

No plan succeeds contact ever heard that before? Plans change. Objectives change.
Just because everything did not go according to plan does not mean the Horde did not inflict a crushing defeat to their enemies.

You are complaining that you did not get to destroy the Alliance in a single attack and that is the cause of your unhappiness. And people say the NEFPA are unreasonable.

This is the target she sold to the Horde. There would still be a massacre “in order to convince the Alliance of the clearness of our intentions.” Snore…

What were the results of the SoL?

  • UC: destroyed and no longer a Horde fortification.

  • Tirisfal: occupied by the Alliance

  • Saurfang: captured by Alliance

What did the Horde get out of the SoL

  • Nothing. Because despite their losses it didn’t prevent the Alliance from winning every battle thereafter.



By your logic the Alliance never won because they never achieved their objectives.

What?! Has the Alliance occupied Tirisfal? Interesting cases.

Tirisfal is not occupied by the alliance, the alliance left there after SOL :wink:

That was a consequence.

This was Sylvanas, not the alliance.

What is this pls? So, the SOl was not a Gamechanger, didn´t change anything that SOl was a Horde-Win and even in canon, the Horde won both preevents.

Have I stated anywhere in any of my posts that the WoT wasn’t a loss for the Alliance?

Quote me if you can.


They are.

At least you Alliance are predictable:



They aren´t…most of them want their lands back(Ashenvale most of the time)…nothing more, and want to destroy the Hordepresence IN THEIR LAND, thats not unreasonable. The 1% of nepa who want to destroy the entire horde are rar and exist on both sides…for example…Erevien

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Again, quote any of posts saying WoT wasn’t a win for the Horde.

I’ve stated several times it was a win that didn’t feel good and gave reasons as to why. Which are ignored in favor of Alliance saying “No. It showed the Horde so stronk and fist pump and topkek.”
