How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)


Says the Alliance.


Also false.

Says the Alliance. Building The character roster up after losing so many is exactly what needs to happen for the Horde to be rebuilt. Guess you can’t understand that since Alliance has only lost 1 racial leader to death during WoW’s history.

Leave it to the Alliance to say BfA was inconsequential for the Horde.

Now you’re going to double down on Horde being forced to leave their lands. Ok.



I say the same about the WoT for the Horde but I’m told by certain Alliance I’m wrong for feeling that way about it.



If you call SoL a unequivocal win for the Alliance, then Teldrassil was a resounding success beyond compare. But you know that is nonsense. Not to mention, even if we disregard how pyrrhic it was, it was in response to Teldrassil. Which means it’s not unequivocal.


I´m not “villainizing” anything dude, your suggestions are just as bad, period.

You basically ask for the Horde players to either become second rate customers by proxy of getting rejected by everybody and their mother thanks to the stupidity of the writers OR for them to get aknowledged as glorified messengers of the Alliance ubber faction and it´s heroes… cause that´s what happens in a game managed by peopple more worried with cutting corners (Like Legion showed) than making coherent narratives.

And what do you think is this thread about, dude? Why are you pushing for a “x needs to happen for the Alliance to feel strong again” in a “Horde needs X to happen to feel strong and likeable again”, hmm?

Frankly I´m not the one that ends up looking as if english wasn´t my first language… you guys apparently can´t even read nor much less comprehend the goal of the thread. And are arrogant enough to try to make it about YOU even when Op expressely mentioned this wasn´t about cattering to Alliance power play fantasies, period.


That’s what some Alliance in this very thread are saying.

Just going off those metrics mentioned above.

Um… that’s not what the definition of unequivocal is.

There is no ambiguity in the results of the SoL. Alliance won, Horde lost. Yes, it was a phyrric win. But an unambiguous one.



So, going off that:

Horde had 1 unequivocal win on screen against Alliance (WoT) that didn’t feel good for Horde players.

Alliance had 1 unequivocal win on screen against Horde (SoL) that didn’t feel good to Alliance players.



I eagerly await the usual Alliance to come in and go off-topic again about how they have it so much worse than the Horde and they are entitled to stuff at the expense of the Horde.



Thats actually an accurate statement of what was stated. Nobody, at least not me, have never stated the entire Horde to be genocided as the sole unequivocal win that Alliance needs to get.

Doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. But, ok.



No phyricc win is a unambiguous one…the word PHYRRIC Win make the word Unambiguous impossible.

The Phyrik win is a sort of tragedy in itself, because it takes away the winner’s strength for the rest of the war and was so costly and resource intensive that one might as well have lost.

Because Horde players got villanized and did not get to kill Malfurion and Tyrande while sustaining 1/8 death ratio due to the unfavorable terrain.

Because the Horde blew up their own city to deny the Alliance victory while the Alliance sustained incredible losses along with being completely incapable of dealing with the green goo without Jaina coming out of nowhere.

I would say the reason both sides are unhappy about these wins are vastly different.

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False. Pyrrhic means with great cost. Not that it was questionable.

Except the Alliance won the SoL and every battle thereafter in BfA, so …



Do you know where the word phyrric victory comes from? over 2000 years ago lifed a guy, called: Pyrrhus of Epirus. He was the origin of the definition of phyrric- Victorys, because his “Victory” was so devastating and cost so much of his men, that his ONLY win…end his entire campaign.

Definition: "A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. "

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Yet, the game and Blizzard categorize the SoL as a victory for the Alliance. Again, just because it doesn’t feel good doesn’t mean it isn’t a victory.

Again, like the WoT for the Horde.


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Blizzard not, Ion listed in 8.1 the SOl as loose of the alliance. And even the Game didn´t say anything about a win.

It was your horde people here, that thought, SOL was a win for the Alliance, it was not, not in a real way.

in blizzard pov, the horde won both prequests events.

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The Alliance snapped defeat from the jaws of victory -Ion.

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“Our King just routed your armies.” - Genn

“Azeroth is a world of grey” -Ion


And? The remainings of the army were evacuated, that means not that the alliance won there. Even blizz didn´t see it as a Win.

ONly you hordeplayer see SOL as a Win for the alliance.

It certainly is.

Funny, because only Alliance think WoT was a huge victory for the Horde. Go figure.
