How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

About the race. Horde - Orcs, Darkspear trolls, Tauren. Alliance - humans, dwarves, gnomes, high elves. Night elves - night elves, dryads, wonderful dragons, chimeras. Dryads and wonderful dragons broke away.
Why did the “faction” become part of another “faction”?

I feel like “fist pump” and “display of power” are being treated as synonyms, although they really aren’t. Some results might line up under both, but it depends on the person.

Personally, I’d never be able to have a fist pumping moment against the alliance because I know the story wants them to be the unapologetic straight laced heroes of the franchise and you cannot make a move against an entity like that without being in the wrong by default. Conversely, I already felt like the horde deserved a narrative punch in the mouth in retaliation for Cata/MoP so I wasn’t even going to feel interested defending anything. So :man_shrugging:


Same for the forsaken and yet the undead fan aren’t here whining that they don’t have all the might and the asset of the wc3 unit.

Oh and btw everyone, night elf using wc3 as a excuse again…

Easy to say for the only race in the game with a actual environment advantage…

You. You have never provided the knowledge that gives the Forsaken the power of the Scourge. I remember you. Yes.
The Forsaken are ghouls, banshees, and possibly abominations. Necromancers, ice serpents, nerubians - all belong to Varimathras.
I remind you - you killed him.

If you say so.

If you want to believe the WoT was some heaven-parting illustration of the Horde being super strong (I think you used the word unstoppable, LOL) be my guest.

And now you’re saying the entirety of the Horde war machine should struggle against city guards and civilians because of trees alongside the road. What astonishing privilege you Alliance have.



Prove that the night elf warriors are very different from the night elf civilians.

You’ve made so many posts in this thread yet none of them do anything to rebuild the Horde.

Why are you here?



You also never provide the knowledge that give the same power to the night elf as they had in WC3 despite getting weakened by lost several time now.

You whole argument is that you WANT them to be like in WC3 because of your feeling once again.

Adnd once again, you deny every right to a undead fan to feel like he never had what he had in WC3. Might also mention how you and Zair wanted to deny the fact that the forsaken were the playable undead despite dev telling us that forsaken was add for the WC3 undead fan.

Exactly for the same reason the Horde intervened in the sobbing of the night elves.

I mean, every race should get their racial power fantasy back or at least shown what they’re capable of at full strength. But that’s me :wolf:


What? What thread about rebuilding the Night Elves was derailed by Horde demanding night elf players think about things a certain way and only consider the Horde player feelings?





Go make a thread about rebuilding night elves.


Two versions, original and modified for more accurate translation.

Yes because nothing the Night Elves did amounted to anything besides speed bumps.

Yes because NEs had field advantage that allowed them to nibble at the Horde forces but ultimately it was all pointless because the Horde succeeded and won.
I don’t understand why this is so hard to understand.

All the NEs were able to accomplish were to inflict losses that the player just hears about. It didn’t impact anything.
Both Tyrande and Malfurion showed up too and they still couldnt stop the Horde as you say they would have.

Alliance didn’t show up in time to reinforce the defense or retake darkshore and the Alliance didn’t get to evacuate everyone.

The Horde was just too strong and too fast.

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Yeah, I read those.



Scourge fanatic and Forsaken fan. These are two different things. My argument against all the abundance of Scourge troops was that it was all Varimathras’s. You killed him. You no longer have Scourge troops.
Give me an argument for the loss of the night elves. Blessings - immortality, health. Okay, now we can get sick and weaken over time. What else has weakened us? And where are the chimeras?


8:1 K/D for civilians and city guards is nibbling.


I keep asking this with regard to why you are trying to convince Horde how they should feel about their content.

Kind of like the BoT. Didn’t stop the Night Elves one bit.

Yeah, those city guards just couldn’t handle the entire Horde. Funny how that works.



There is activity here. There is a lot to read here. There are stimuli here that I’m interested in reacting to. Yes. I’m here to spoil the Horde’s fantasies of rebuilding.