How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

If burning an enemy capital and zone with everyone in it isn’t a big fist pump over the other faction moment then I literally have no idea what else Blizzard can give you besides Blizzard deleting the Alliance and its playerbase and then making fun of them because they picked the wrong faction.
Because it seems even a mere description of the Alliance being even remotely competent in Horde quest text is enough to negate everything.

Fists are pumped when it’s a narrative development that make you love your faction more and it’s a development you both wanted and enjoyed.

You cannot be this incompetent.


So what about the night elf fantasy? What is she really like?

The Night Elf fantasy is irrelevant to rebuilding the Horde.



Yes. Now love is subjective. Some Horde players love the militarized version of their faction conquering and kicking the butt of the other faction.

I don’t need the Horde player to be just as enthusiastic of my fist pump as they are for their own. That was the whole purpose of BFA, faction rivalry.

Are you sure? What about the draenei fantasy?

“YAY! fist pump We’re villains again! YAY! And this is totally NOT going to be MoP 2.0!”

Such fist.

Much pump.



You can’t disagree it was an epic power statement of what the Horde is capable of.

Achievement Unlocked so to say.


Don’t you know that player feeling in a ‘‘win’’ is only important if its for the alliance???

As i’ve said earlier:


So. Fantasy Horde. To be unkempt, strong, homeless that everyone hates?

Sure I can. Because it wasn’t a power statement for the Horde.

Unlike the Alliance at the SoL, the Horde didn’t fight the Alliance military in the WoT. They didn’t even fight the Night Elf military. This “accomplishment” was only possible because the Horde didn’t go up against the Alliance military. Saurfang and Sylvanas had an entire conversation about it prior to. They determined the (entire) Horde would fail if:

  • Both Tyrande and Malfurion were present. That’s 2 characters against the entire Horde.

  • The Night Elven military were present. That’s 1 race against the entire Horde.

No. It wasn’t a power statement in favor of the Horde. Not at all.



Yeah, beating the civilian of a single race using all of our power and still losing 8 soldier to 1 civilian is SUCH AN EPIC POWER STATEMENT of what the horde is capable of…

As i also said earlier, this is how you fanatic biased fan thing the horde should feel:


But you won. You used a trick, we couldn’t figure it out.
The army is back. Malfurion and Tyrande have returned. The Horde is fighting on multiple fronts. Ideal conditions for night elves.
Why has the Horde been living on Darkshore for so long when everyone is against them?
Could the night elf civilians be as powerful as their military?

Really we aren’t considering that the Horde completely outsmarted the Alliance and the Night Elves to exploit their weaknesses does not speak about their power?
Would being dumb brutes thrown into a needless meat grinder really that much better?

And the Night Elves have literally 1 thing.
A magical defensive forest. So yes, attacking them in the forest where they have been patrolling and reinforcing to deal with a demon invasion is not a small task.
If the Night Elves were kicking the Horde around in Barrens I would totally understand but you are entering their lands.
Imagine if the Horde was Napolean and Ashenvale was Russia in winter. But Horde still burned Moscow i mean Teldrassil with enough troops left over to fight the rest of the Alliance to a stand still.

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No, it speaks to how big the egos are at Blizzard. That’s why when people asked about the Draenai space ship Blizz was all “it wasn’t part of the story we wanted to tell.”

Which is why the Night Elf military and at least 1 of their key heavy hitters had to be elsewhere. Because THE ENTIRE HORDE couldn’t win against 1 Alliance race at full capacity.

The entire Horde against city guards, civilians and Malfurion.

Russia had its military. The night elves didn’t.



Ashenvale is the cold russian winter.
And the Russian military did not engage the French in open combat they used guerrilla tactics and let the French do what they want.

In the end, if I remember correctly the Grand Armee was almost completely destroyed by the end of the campaign.

So yeah Ashenvale and the NEs left there guarding it would and should have been a significant challenge to stop the Horde but in the end it wasn’t enough. The Horde won anyway.

If the entire NE military faced the Horde on the open plain in the Barrens they would have been completely destroyed.
Facing the Horde in their enchanted forest should and is a different prospect all together.

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The warriors and heroes of the night elves have arrived. The Horde has diminished its influence in Darkshore. Why did the night elves take revenge for so long? All the benefits of the night elves. Where is the swift victory of the night elves on Darkshore?
Or is there little difference between the army and the night elf civilians? Minimum difference.

You’re right. Because a single race should not be able to stand against the entire enemy faction regardless of the environment.

But, again, the Night Elf military was elsewhere.



Ashenvale have been hold by the horde many time by now. If blizzard weren’t so afraid of the backlash of night elf player, Ashenvale wouldn’t have any enchanting tree by now because they would logically be cut down by the horde at this point if the zone was representing the lore well.

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The environment matters a lot actually.
Thats why fortresses and terrain advantage matter.

Its like one of the nuances that Blizzard gets right.