How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)


Did I call it or what?

Someone even jumped on their alt to start another Alliance cry session.

At least they’re predictable.



Maybe the whole idea of “redeeming/rebuilding” the Horde without involving the Alliance in any way is a fundamentally flawed fantasy. Frankly it was never realistic ever since someone at Blizz decided to give the Horde a large chunk of the Eastern Kingdoms.

It’s even funnier to think that someone is balking at the idea of ‘another cry session’ when we’re in the midst of a thread with a duplicated name, where apparently the main goal IS gatekeeping, and slinging mud, in the vein pretense it’s constructive.

Yes, fix yourself as much as you want, just don’t tarnish the Alliance. This will be done by the Alliance itself in search of a sense of power, committing “justified” and “understandable” (turning into “excessive”) atrocities against the Horde. Moral dullness.

And don’t think that we are clones of each other. However … It seems that this can be tracked not only by achievements, but also by pets?

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Baal is our own slice of twitter brought to the forums.

Gantrithor crying about being fed his own medicine hilarious.

You never respect Alliance focused threads why should any Alliance poster respect Horde threads?

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Ladies, Gentlemen or Otherwise!

Feast your eyes on the perfect example of “I rest my case!”

Like seeing an endangered cat in the wild.

Watch now as they continue to flail about while thinking they have some kind of high ground…

  1. My suggestions take nothing from the Alliance
  2. Yeah, don’t want to lose that moral absolutism. What would you have otherwise?

False. Here’s my contribution to the Alliance focused thread:

So disrespectful! :upside_down_face:



No. Blizzard has used up their goodwill on that tactic.


A single moment in a sea of you being nothing but toxic. Pretty sure you’re the herald of assuming every Night Elf Poster, sorry “NEFPA” :woozy_face:, is actually Elesana like she’s some sort of boogey man for Horde Posters. You’re the most toxic person in here.

People who lap up the “Wait and see” garbage are the reason this game’s story and man other aspects are in the toilet.

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I guess you responding is somehow not just another page for your languishing book of whinge.

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You don’t have to be a night elf anymore. They just sling that around when they feel intimidated.

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I keep hearing about this dude’s twitter but never actually seen it.
Is he a big personality or somesuch?

If he is I’ve never seen it. But his entire essence is political twitter. I’m sure you can guess which side of it.

Some people are suckers for fashion.

By the way, I’d have cut you some slack if you hadn’t been having to bump this thread just to make sure it’s not totally dead. But, considering you guys are in total REE mode again now that it’s getting the attention…it needed. I just think these ‘Alliance tears’ are more productive then having this be around the top for conversations like pancakes with Micah.

Good gosh they’re talking about people’s Twitters now!

Is there no end to their desperation?

The longest this thread went without a response was what, 10 days? If that’s dead to you well… thanks for the bump. :upside_down_face:


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No how dare Baalsamael have an opinion that is different from my opinion! Don’t they know buzzword buzzword irrelevant tangential point ???!

I mean, that’s the longest it went without someone bumping it. I guess when I feel like a conversation has died out, there’s no reason for people to keep grasping for relevance. I would consider it dead.

Your welcome, this place looks better with Alliance posters in it.

Edit: I don’t know how long it went without a bump, I wasn’t one of the people worrieded about it lol

Is pancakes a buzzword?

I helped to burn your tree…I liked it. Blizzard rewarded me with a unique mount and an entire loyalist quest line in BfA.

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Just goes to show the Horde like to pick, and choose what they cry about, and pretend they’re the victims while doing it lol

I’m glad you feel like that’s an accomplishment. It makes you seem like a pretty funny little guy.