How can I farm anime quickly? I need more to unlock stuff =/

The easiest for me is to do all WQs in all 4 covenants but that takes a crazy enormous time. If you’re dedicated, that is up to 5 WQs on each cov. You’ll average 1500 anima per day which includes the weekly. Then you’ll be gated by the 20 redeemed souls limit each week instead of being overwhelmed by the lack of anima.

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How can I farm anime quickly?

Crunchyroll is a good start, netflix has a decent anime collections, as does hulu.

I would recommend you try both. Some shows the dub is really good. I.E. Full Metal Alchemist, FMA Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho. Then some dubs are bad, i.e. Bleach.

Going to a con is the best way.

As for the subs vs dubs debate…

It really depends on what you watch first… sub gokus voice drives me nuts.

Eh, watching Dubs for me is like watching an inferior version of something. Listen to Lero Ro’s voice in the Tower of God sub vs dub. The original is objectively better.
Lets not even mention the Jojo dub. You miss out on half of the fun without watching the sub.




those were gold.


Is it even Jojo without Old Man Joseph’s Japanesse VA desperately attempting to imitate a New York accent while also speaking English?


I like to be able to have the TV on while I play PC games though. Unless its a shorter more in-depth series, I usually don’t feel like sitting on the couch for days worth of anime, in order to read the subs. For longer ones especially, I’ll just do the dubs so I can listen and play games.

Not in all cases.

The Sub is not universally better than the Dub.
The Dub is not universally better than the Sub.

By all means, watch which ever version you prefer, but to dismiss 1 because you are biased towards the other is potentially missing out on something you might enjoy more.

I am too much if a weeb to let that opportunity go to waste. Especially with how much I’ve been watching lately.

Thank you for the “Hotel California” reference! :hugs: I was nauseous reading all the just awesome comments on dungeons, mythics, and raids! And now valor points for those wonderful souls… :face_vomiting:

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Subscribe to Funimation app. They have all the anime you’ll ever need.

Agreed. There are some anime that the dub just blows the subs away. Or where a certain voice actor is far better in the dub than the sub.

Like I recently re-watched Gleipnir to hear the dub voices and I have to say, I found it much better than the subs. Which I didn’t think would happen when I found out who Claire’s voice actress was.

Yu Yu Hakusho is another example where even the creator said the dub did better at portraying the characters than the sub.

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First you have to do the Crunchyroll Trial Hunt quest. That’ll get you a pretty good supply for a bit. But you have to use the time that buys you to farm out either a permanent sub, Netflix, or Amazon Prime to get some more anime.

Funimation is good for dubs, but I wouldn’t personally recommend for someone to give money to them. Funimation has way too much baggage attached to it at this point.

Oh defintely. The first time I watched SAO it was with the dub, and Kirito’s VA in the dub sounded exactly like I would honestly expect a dude who calls himself a “beater” would actually sound like.

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It took this long for someone to notice?

I mean, I get that the amount of anima needed it’s absurd but… this long?

Purchase a subscription to crunchy roll

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Another good one is Enkidu/Kingu from Fate/grand order Babylonia. Like I did not think his English VA would be anywhere near as good as it is, but they nailed it.

Weekly quest is 20 x WQ’s for 750 anima, go grab that before you start farming.

Start with Death Note and My hero Academia , both great shows and will not feel grindy

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