Presumably you’ll learn this when you do the content, as part of the normal exposition we always get.
Just for me, this is not what I would have chosen thematically
Think Buffy and Angel. Vampire slayer and friend of Vampire.
Dragons need hitmen too
Heck Alexstrasza has us kill so many baby dragons
So we can get thrown out, and then declare that we’re starting our own casino with roulette and show girls.
Finally, content I have the advantage on!
Since we’re a living oxymoron, let me be a Forsaken Pally already
No, that’s Baine Bloodhoof lol
meh, already tried that once.
You’re a monster for making me remember that which I intentionally forced amnesia upon myself for.
Don’t worry, we took a break after that to hold a Ren Fest on Arthas’s front yard.
This is why I can’t take people who claim Wrath was peak storytelling seriously lol
No one invited me… Hmpph
Well you were asleep at the time.
I failed…if I had posted on another non-dracthyr this could have been funny…
Same way you can be allies and enemies with humans. Just cause you’re allied with X, doesn’t mean Y doesn’t want to still kill you.
it sounds complicated, but I’m sure you’ll work through it
Been at it all night with no progress but thank you for your vote of confidence.
Did you ever succeed?
Hides camera equipment You saw nothing! Grabs bag and flies off