How Bad is Prot Really?

Was going to focus on BDK for my next tank alt, but after the nerf, looking elsewhere.

M+ 15-20 and H Raid.

All things considered, 100% viable and no issues.

For either class. Even with the nerf, I think BDK > Warrior.

But I think Warrior is a lot more fun to play.

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Yeah, I’m not pushing top end content buy I have zero issues tanking anything. Prot is just fun and I love huge shield slam crits with tier now.

Yeaaaah and all the rage! Lol it’s fun in SoA to drop a Spear, Kyrian ability spear, and hit with an Avatar + Tier set buffed Thunder Clap and watch it hit for over 100k

I’m a fan of all tanks (aside from DH), and I’ve been finding myself playing my Warrior a lot more lately and doing surprisingly well considering all the.

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Most others just feel like they’re on auto pilot most of the time.

I’ll dabble in blood dk, BrM Monk, and sometime paladin. They just all feel kind of weird at times.

My only other consistent tank is my DH. I wish it wasn’t as squishy as it is but it’s a lot of fun.