How are you re-customizing your characters?

What have you DONE!!

Yeah, thatā€™s wild.

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Wild went from a hunky beefcake toā€¦ toā€¦ THIS?!

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Just so happens Iā€™ve done that on wowhead.


Gonna be a downer and say Iā€™m not. x.x I dislike pretty much everything they added to Blood Elves and have no interest in it. So I wonā€™t be changing pretty much anything on my characters when it comes to customization.

Transmog though is interesting, including the artifact changes, so Iā€™ll likely tinker with that, and get some cloud serpents for my hunters.

My male Blood Elf Paladin is gonna be a female Blood Elf Paladin with Blue Eyes.

Gonna roll a Draenei Paladin with a lush long tail for my Alliance main going forward.

Gonna give my Draenei Shaman a lush long tail.

Dunno what to do with my other alts yet. XD

Iā€™m gonna become a QT Asian girl :slight_smile:

Also might switch into a man for my current transmog.

Not alot going on as a KT, as far as customization. May roll an Orc for those tattoos tho. Everybody needs tattoos, I have spoken

I actually donā€™t know yetā€¦ I just sort of want to play around in the barber shop until I find something fresh and new that I like. :upside_down_face:

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Just go grey with the glowing blackrock eyes. Thatā€™s what my
ā€œdragonmawā€ is gonna look like.

My character is cuter than ever! And Wild is still in there!

going to turn my blueberry into a high elf berry

Race changing to trollā€¦

https ://shadowlands .wowhead. com/ dressing-room#bR0s0zJ89c8ze8NK8zg8MgT8zv8NY8zE8Mta8zl8Ap8dM8MyE8dd8MtI8dr8MtZ8da8Mxt8dk8Mxr8df8MtL8dw8Mg08fp8M3B8fE8M4e8w08meT87MvG18sP87anxW808KzY8zcj8fbY87cEyT8sP87k