How are you going to buy your Gilded Longboi?

Your mogs ugly.

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The name calling over something as pathetic and meaningless as a video game mount says otherwise lol

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man it must suck to be this salty over how people spend their money.


I’m curious what the sentiment would hav been if this mount was made available for the amount of gold equivalent to 90USD worth of WoW tokens, in-game.

Because there were people buying the original Bruto by buying gold via WoW tokens.
So as long as WoW tokens exist, I don’t think it would make a difference if a mount is sold in-game via gold or on the blizz store via real money.


weird flex smh

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I would but I don’t wanna get banned.

After 15 years, my wife and I bought a car last March. I was surprised they wouldn’t let me put the down payment on my credit card. Had to use a debit card or cashier’s check. And yeah, it is a shame that I can’t make the payments with the card each month either.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

“it should be earned in game”

uh…it CAN be…get to gold farming :+1: :+1:

I already pay $180 plus expansion price to rent this game. Not paying any more.

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I really doubt that with how your behaving

Number of times I have ever complained about not having the old Bruto: 0

Forecast for future complaints about the new one: 0% chance. Sunny weather expected.


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its the semantics they care about for some reason. the 5 mil mount was fine because it was straight up gold so it apparently was ok in their eyes even though people bought tokens to get the gold but when you buy tokens with gold to use as currency to get the mount then that is insane.


I probably ruined it for everyone else lol
it took them like two years to finally get back with me and tell me that they were removing my CC from the payment account.

I pay my lease here with CC…with a small fee of course, but my cash back covers it a few times over each month.


:nerd_face: :point_up: AcTuAlLy

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Like the wisewoman Britney Spears once said, ‘‘If you want a Gilded Longboi, you gotta work b***!’’


Oh cool, I’ll go next.

Every post you are in is unhinged attacks and exposing yourself for having no redeeming qualities. And at the very least you would think someone who spends this much of their mental health trying to participate in this community would pass as mediocre at WoW, but you can’t even be that. You suck at everything and I sincerely mean that.



Because people keep entertaining an obvious troll.

And if he’s not trolling, even worse. They’re entertaining an :poop: hole who’s never going to change because some randos online told him he’s a bad person.

A waste of time altogether.

and yet he doesnt have 90 bucks for a mount in a game he’s playing
Fishy story, if you ask me.
If my parents had lots and lots of money Im sure theyd give me 90 bucks for something I wanted

With money.