🌚 How are shadow priests for pvp

Oh I know they can be, and I never said it undispellable or impossible to dispell. I’m saying it’s way harder than DP. And if you eat a warlocks fear then fearward did it’s job and wasted that warlocks time, that’s the whole point of fear ward.


In this case “A lot” means more people than there are “slots” like on the order of there potentially being 2 or 3 (or 4, or more) people wanting to raid as shadow for every raid that exists. Never mind the raids that (early on) are likely to go “lawl shadow” and decline it then and there.

So now you’re suggesting again that raids will want to stack their raids. After you were just arguing that raids are too dumb to understand whats good and what isn’t. How long until you ping back from your pong?

Why is this guy so mad that people dont want to roll troll

lmao big facts… im rolling undead priest let’s get it.


Yeah. I found DP to still have its uses, particularly vs hunters and even rogues. It’s all in the situation, you know?

No offense but rank 14 didn’t mean you were good. My guild leader AFK’d his rank 13 and admitted it while he was doing it. Never got banned, etc

People used to go into AV and farm harpies for cloth lmao

Oh for sure it has it’s situations! And when they come up undead shines above all! I wasn’t trying to suggest that it was bad in every scenario I was just saying it can be easily countered.

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Okay, you’re probably not conencting an important piece here:

Shadow is viable in 40 man raiding in my book. (but only 1, maybe 2 shadow priests in a raid)

That said, others are not going to share that view. That view is where most of my attention was focused in this thread. Their reasons are problematic (and even self-defeating or even contradictory) to say the least, but those will be their reasons.

Just because they’re going to be idiots by doing that doesn’t mean they’re going to suddenly disappear.

Or you could just do the vanilla thing and get a guild… they would know that later on shadow becomes good with the locks and that we’re going to wreck MC and BWL with 1.12 patch things anyway soooo, might as well have that shadow ready.

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Sadly, I have faith in the ability of people to be idiots. So expect to see a lot of “lawl shadow” going on for raid Applicants as “the masses” start to hit level 60 around December.

The funnier part is some of the lawl shadow will be because Shadow Priests will likely be over-represented as a part of the player population unless I miss my guess. Good Shadow priests will be in demand, it’s just a matter of finding the people looking for them.

Well i take this word for pvp since he is a rank player but pve isnt something i care too much about but i do feel dwarf is nice early game for raids idk about late game. Is fear a big issue late game? If so its helpful for sure but i like humans better for that sweet sweet mana and good looking booty

Those were the good old days :slight_smile:

Just to throw my 2 cents in on the undead vs troll discussion, often overlooked on WotF is the charm and sleep removal. Charm removal is really handy in Wpvp to break gnomish mind control helm. You and your buddy dont want to lose a 1v2 and get embarrassed. Also a big differance in the classic beta is that magic dust is instant cast vs 1.5 sec cast on pservers. If you were going healing priest pvp I would say its a no brainer for undead but for shadow troll is good as well.

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Fear and FW/WofF (Dwarf/Forsaken) are both really powerful in PvP in this version of the game. No matter what, if you’re out killing stuff and someone (same/level/skill/gear/items) attacks you and you’re nearly oom then you’re going to die. If you travel with friends rolling throuh mobs (which you should) you won’t be nearly oom.

Wotf is over rated.

Only 3 alliance classes can even fear.

Warrior fear is meh anyway it breaks on damage faster than anyone elses fear.

Devouring plague is meh too, priests and pallys can dispell it and any dwarf will dispell with Stoneform, plus all the items that get rid of it.

Troll has more uses as it can stun ANY of the melee on you including hunters auto shots.

Also troll cast haste is good in all scenarios.

Undead racials are to situational and for encounters that are to specific, troll is used for many more fights, it has a bigger diversity on what it can do.

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I’ll have to admit you’re obviously up to speed more than I am with Horde racials. I have played much more on the Alliance side.

Solo & WPvP they are top tier
Premade BGs they are not that good
Also, they are better early game versus late game

Afk dont mean your bad at pvp means you are bad person or something in real life came up. Idk how that changes anything about how good someone is. I could be the best priest player in na retail and afk and that wouldnt change if i was good or not. Just that i went afk. Also he makes very good points. Now you can look all what he said up and try to prove him wrong. Will The Forsaken is a situational use just like shadow guard but shadow guard works against all attackers and can stun anyone with blackout. Great since rogues are many and yes warlocks are many but they chain fear so how will wotf help much there? Not many will be fearing you more then a lock. Preist maybe but why did you let them get near you? Most priest stay alway and cast from afar. Warriors have fear i think but also charge so they will get on you but at least that damage and 10% stun helps you for the only fear you might not be able to deal with.