I think they are doing horrible damage in AoE scenarios compared to other classes. When I’m fighting a single target I’m staying within a couple million of other people, maybe doing a little more, usually never #1 in a group of 5. But in any AoE scenario, I’m doing 1/3 to 1/2 what everyone else is doing. I don’t how anyone can say they are doing decent damage right now. I got the rotation down, it hasn’t changed since like season 2 of dragonflight. The damage just isn’t there. Hero talent isn’t proccing enough, thats for sure. Gotta rely on soul shards that don’t really proc enough.
They need to either lower the CD on the hunt by 15-30 seconds or give an ability that knocks off .5 seconds off every use of a main rotation skill, like Blade Dance or Fel Rush. They need to make metamorphosis 2 minutes and not 3. Even 2 minutes and 30 seconds would be too much. Or they need to have some skill that guarantees soul shard drops that you can use semi-frequently, so you’re not relying on hopes and prayers or a pack of mobs just so you can use it once for the next pack. Every class tuning they’ve left them out so apparently they think Havoc DH is where it needs to be, back to being one of the under-performing classes.
Myself and my buddy who play DH talk about the 19lines daily. I am getting too old to remember all these lines. I also find myself flying off ledges in dungeons, but I know most of the times it’s my fault and my sensitive keyboard as I fat finger the keys.
The class needs another overhaul. Lots of setup globals is annoying…the fact that our damage is delayed with sigils and fel scarred tree is also annoying…defensives are this weird dodge percentage base…like maybe you’ll take damage? Maybe you won’t??? The mobility is what’s keeping me playing right now. OHHhh and the collecting soul shards during combat is just bonkers.
wrong but thanks for playing…dh aoe is really good. just need right stats and rotation
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Eh, the problem has more to do with how DH puts everything in one basket.
You either have the correct spec and play the game exactly as intended or your performance goes down the tubes. Unlike in older expansions you don’t really get a choice on things like momentum. You either build correctly, or you do less than a quarter of your DPS.
DH’s really need a second DPS spec so that they can pick between a high skill ceiling / high complexity spec and an easy to pick up / average complexity spec.
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You have to learn a nuclear launch sequence to play the spec.
Play it, find out, have fun. That’s what I did. Havoc’s pretty much the same way it’s always been since Post-Legion (Barring the dreadful sinful brand phase)
near bottom of heroic raid logs. just looked it up, no matter what i do I always feel on the edge of being sat. sigh shoulda picked a frost dk or something
I have mained DH since Legion and this expansion finally made me switch off of them for the first time to Hunter. You have to have really good gear and put in a lot of effort to do what other classes can do in blue gear. Havoc hits like a wet noodle in PvP and our hero talents are underwhelming and uninspired. I’d roll a different class for now.