How am i supposed to make gold now blizzard?

I love M+ so much that i will on occasion join groups just to boost people for free. I see a group with a 1200 or so io person with a +15 key they just want to get it done i’ll join to help them out. I’m not the person holding the spear pointed at people to keep them out of my hobby of higher end M+. I’ll gladly help people out if they want to get help. If you were to ask me to come run with you to help you, or to coach you (i know that selling coaching is a thing i could do, but i don’t want to sell it i just want to help) then i’ll do it. But only upon being asked for it.

Spend 30 minutes on a farming alt once a week and you’ll have more than enough materials to craft any raid mats you could need. It’s absolutely not true you have to boost in order to afford raiding.

Why does it cost that much again?

Maybe if you are doing something wrong. I do callings every three days on multiple toons and it doesn’t take me long at all. You need to rethink how you are doing WQ and gaining completion points towards the calling. Try setting your hearth in one of the zones and look into transportation items and professions. Sometimes, if you line up three callings all in the same zone, it will take about 20-30 minutes tops for an entire three day period.

The point is it’s passive, completing WQ and doing your mission table should get you a paragon chest at least once every 1-2 weeks unless you are playing REALLY REALLY casually.

I don’t know what you mean by this, the missiontable table addon still works fine (although it is outdated) and you literally just click your troops to send them on a mission, it’s that simple. Make sure your health pool and power rating is higher than what the mission calls for and most of the times you will win.

You’re running the most inefficient raid for gold, and even then if it takes you AN HOUR you are doing something VERY VERY wrong. SoO without any speed boosts should take 35 minutes MAX.

You clearly have friends to boost people, so just make a guild where you split the gold? I’ve done that in many of my banking guilds and it’s been fairly lucrative, especially when stacking armor for fresh 60’s.

Get TSM, or another addon. I know several people who have never done a quest or dungeon in game and are at gold cap because they snipe auctions.

You are actively making excuses to why you can’t make gold, and there are a lot of people here pointing out you are wrong. Just take the L my friend.

Bye bye boosting communities! Won’t be missed

Y’all pooped in the living room and now it getting cleaned up. Enjoy being kenneled.

Because Wod injected literally piles, mountains even of gold into the economy. and those of us who didn’t care to grind it out didn’t get a mountain of gold.

I mean i do that. Whenever i see items i want, but prolly about 50% of the time the mission fails (i’m kyrian btw.)

No i’m running it for the tusks of manneroth. I don’t run old raids for gold.

I’m already in a raiding guild i can’t just join a boosting guild.

You’re not. Welcome to World of WarCraft. Enjoy actually playing it for the first time.

Or you could just quit. Why don’t you go ahead and quit?


He also literally said:

Which is what you quoted here:

Thus, your response to that quote didn’t make sense.

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Ah yes, the issue is the expansion that came out checks notes 8 years ago.

Do dailies, emissaries, professions, etc.

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Kyrian is the worst covenant for the table, but even still. You shouldn’t be failing 50% of the missions unless you are actively just randomly clicking followers. Try reading what the effects of each follower are and what they do and you will get more familiar with how they interact with the adversaries.

Ok, well maybe you should start, it’s an excellent and quick way to get gold and transmog, and BoE’s = $$$

If you have a raiding guild why not get 3-4 other people and do 4x4 farms? It’s simple and gets you a ton of gold?

Why don’t you?

I think you vastly underestimate just how much gold wod injected into the economy. It was enough to gold cap accounts. All this stuff that people are saying about how to make gold was literally 100x or more more profitable than it is today. It’s no joke to suggest that you could make upwards of 50k an hour running your garrison.

Because I’m happy. Who quits when they’re happy?

I think what they mean to say is how are they going to afford rent this month. kek

I can’t even express how happy i am with raiding and M+ themselves. It’s all the stuff around it like renown, covenants, conduits, torghast, grinding gold for consumables or consumables directly that i hate.

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Wipe less, and you’ll cut at least 10k off your weekly “raiding bill.”

But seriously, are you putting up a new augment rune every trash pull, or something? Raiding consumes really don’t get anywhere near this mark, especially not on populated servers like Area 52.

This is fluff crying over a non-existant issue.

I played all of WoD and you’re VASTLY over exaggerating lol. Yes it was more profitable but here’s a secret: the current mission table is very profitable too, you can farm augment runes off it and make bank

I also played wod. And while i was aware of it, i just didn’t care to do it because i didn’t see how it would affect me down the road.

Not as kyrian i can’t. I’ve tried. I can get maybe half if i log in every day and diligently grind for it.

They’re not interested in solutions. They’re interested in complaining. No one in a CE guild doesnt know how to make the minimum necessary gold for repairs/consumables.

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