Not can’t, don’t want to. I want to not hate the game because i had to grind content i hate playing.
Present the evidence then. The GM only controls the narrative inside the guild discord. Out here you do.
Not can’t, don’t want to. I want to not hate the game because i had to grind content i hate playing.
Present the evidence then. The GM only controls the narrative inside the guild discord. Out here you do.
It really doesnt. Gold is so easy to get in this game. 2kish just from a 5 minute calling a day, maxed renown anima quest gives 1500+, Korthia rains.
I am a CE raider and even if I couldnt gather or make my own pots and such, its still barely 4-5k a week in consumables to raid at a high level, and that is supplemented casually by just playing the game. I have never boosted in my life and I am sitting on 1.5m (a paltry sum).
People in this thread have already posted many ways you can make gold. However, if you want me to spell it out specifically:
These are just things I can think of of the top of my head that require little to no effort. It seems you don’t want to do any of these things however, so that seems like a you issue.
No calling takes 5 minutes. You guys always vastly underquote how long it takes to actually do things. 60% of that 5 minutes is taken up just flying from Bastion to another zone.
This reminds me of in BFA with Azerite. People came to me and said ‘how can you be behind i barely do anything and i have plenty.’ When actually they were spending upwards of 3-4 hours every day scrubbing the world map clean of world quests then 2-3 more hours grinding island expeditions. Some people have a much higher tolerance for grinding. And kudos to them i’m happy for them honestly. I wish i did.
Takes a lot longer than an hour to do 3 callings. Especially when you run across world quests that waste upwards of 20 minutes of your time with extra objectives that only pop up after you finished the listed ones.
Something you get every few weeks from grinding not for an hour a day but hours per day.
Now that venture plan is dead i can’t complete them anymore.
Not 20k an hour you don’t. Don’t forget you need to add the time spent sitting in front of the AH running cancel scans to get that gold.
An hour will get me through 1 SoO run and net me around 4k gold.
That gold goes into the guild bank. And would barely cover one person but has to cover every single person in the guild.
If you are lucky you can sell one high value item but that’s not gonna be every single hour.
Shocking eh? There was a better way to make gold without being miserable.
I’m a blacksmith. And have been one for a very long time.
It might not be aimed at me but i’m caught in the blast radius.
Hold up, so you’re complaining about not going to be able to make gold but yet when there is a way you ‘don’t want to’? I hate farming mats and get bored easily yet I’d still do it for the gold.
On a high/full pop realm, you can sneeze and make that amount of gold.
(Like, srsly, old content currency - buy trade items like skins or ore, resell, profit. Super simple, and takes 5 mins).
I just ground out 2 toons to 80 renown in all 4 covenents. It absolutely takes less than 10 if you want to be pedantic.
So many white knighters, 1%ers, and yes men in these forums today’s proclaiming “its NoT hArD tO mAkE gOlD” or “iT tAKEs 5 MiNs to do a CaLling” like everyone has 8 hours a day to play the game. Even the notion that if your on the game, your farming. Not having fun. Not hanging out talking to friends. Not relaxing after a hard day’s work (for us who leave the house on the daily), nope. Grind. Gate. Grind. Gate.
Agreed, I can complete my callings on each toon in about 20-30 minutes TOPS. Faster, if I’m on my mage and can port <3
Imagine not having wormhole generator
None of that makes any sense.
And the communities were already breaking the ToS with their spamming and nothing happened to them.
And the change is not aimed at you.
I think you are raging to rage.
First it’s multi-boxing now it’s cross server boosting.
People are making threads about what the rage was going to be for the next week and I had no idea this was going to come along.
I’ll just be over here doing my callings and getting a couple grand or so.
i hate playing.
then just quit 4head
How are you in a mythic guild and incapable of finding a way to make a few K during a week? Like this game rains gold. Just say you want to raid/m+ log instead of being disingenuous.
It makes perfect sense. He said that we should be able to pay for it with all the gold we scam off people.
No, he said that your guild must not be doing well in raids if it’s costing you 15k per week in repairs.
“its NoT hArD tO mAkE gOlD”
Well, it’s not, if you take a wee bit of time to do it. Read an updated gold making guide during a 15 minute break during the day, like one of the ones on a gold making sub on reddit, and start getting the basics down. 5 minutes read time, gain knowledge, win.
like everyone has 8 hours a day to play the game.
idk what you’re on about. I go back upstairs to my other home office in 6 minutes, and go back to work.
cut me off from advertising to customers directly
Their post literally says you can post in trade chat lol. Just keep your posts out of the group finder.
You can still boost for gold. Unsure of why you’re saying you can’t?
I only want to play the parts i enjoy. Should we go up to casual players who never raid and tell THEM that they are playing the game wrong because they don’t push mythic raids?
Who do you boost for then? Casuals maybe that feel pushed into this mess to have some decent gear or whatever achievement/ item they are after. Then of course if you offer up to many ways to get decent gear for casuals then the raiders and a key runners get bent out of shape because their gear/achievement ego is not being stroked hard enough.
As usual it really don’t matter what any of us think, blizzard will do as they please.
then just quit 4head
There’s content i LOVE playing. I love raiding, i adore M+.
No, he said that your guild must not be doing well in raids if it’s costing you 15k per week in repairs.
He literally said
they shouldn’t have trouble coming up with gold given how good at scamming people they are.
I’m a blacksmith. And have been one for a very long time.
Then sell legendary base items. There’s more than enough complaining about how expensive and mandatory they are.