How am I supposed to advertise on this game without being banned

Suggestion,don’t help anyone on either side,just be you. The community rules this land and the overseers can lay down the hammer on anyone.

  1. You must be of level and part of the runs.
  2. You must use the trade services channel only.
  3. People dislike spam and will report it if they feel it’s too often.
  4. Boosting communities are against ToS, don’t advertise for them.

(Edited to add the most glaring issue that I missed and everyone else saw: boosting community!)



I think the irony of that statement is likely lost on the OP.

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Omg,lol, :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, also…


Should I even ask what’s so amusing? I gave information that CS has given. What’s the problem?

i thought boosting was banned here sooo

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RMT is banned and boosting communities are banned. Trade services was created for people to advertise carries for gold to keep it out of regular trade chat. It’s not banned, but it is unsupported.

Those are banned now. Can’t advertise for a boosting community


What you’re doing wrong is, you’re part of the boosting pandemic. Stop advertising and you’ll stop getting silenced/suspended.

4 Likes still don’t have a sense of humor.
Sending the topic to CS with the ad will whine up a good result.

We have a few that spam from Thunderhorn that have been there for months now. Every 10 minutes on the dot. Always saying something like, “Trade in raid for security,” or something like that. We have two on Horde, but Alliance has three or four. Exact same messages, same times each hour. I’ve reported them again and again. Nearly everyone that talks in /2, /4, or /5 has said they report them, too.

I don’t see the appeal of buying your way through things. For me, there’s no point of paying for a game I’m just going to buy my way through and not actually play.


I laugh every i see this guy

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If that were true, you wouldn’t be asking for gold…


Have fun I guess. It’s not against the rules to sell raid, pvp or mythic+ carries. That’s why they have their own chat channel.

So as long as they check all the boxes that Sendryn mentioned, this is what Blizzard is doing with your report:

Well, the good thing is you don’t have to see it. It’s no one’s business what other people do with their $15 a month.

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I never do it personally, but the appeal is pretty obvious.

You can skip the entire season and get all of the achievements, titles, mounts, etc in a few hours by (depending on how much make) paying what you make from a days work. Time is money, and for some, the money is worth skipping the weeks to months long grind and the frustrating social interactions.

And if you think about it, it partially pays for itself because you get the same rewards and save 5 months of sub fees.

Also, cosmetics are the only real reward becuase they are permanent

Have you read the rules?

Selling in-game items and services such as carries or boosting for real money is not allowed. Organizations who offer boosting, matchmaking, escrow, or other non-traditional services, including those offered for gold are prohibited, especially those who operate across multiple realms.

Which is exactly what, “Trade in raid for security,” is code for.

But wait! There’s more!

Advertising for gameplay activities should be done by a WoW player-character who intends to participate in the gameplay activities. This means there should be no cross-realm advertising, and there should be no advertising from non-participating players.

Accounts that are used for the primary purpose of advertising may be closed.

This is exactly what they do.


How do you trade real money to someone in a raid? ROFL

No, what that means is people that scam have you trade the gold to a level one alt standing in Org or SW. Trading gold in the raid means you can see all the raiders and/or see the cleared-to boss at the end.

Obviously not if they’re not doing anything about it. Sounds like the person advertising is one of the raiders.

Proof that you know what the account is being used for?

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people hate spam.