How, After 15 Years

Do people still use raw damage as a reason to argue they’ve played well/better than someone else/to call out other players?

I try to explain that I have lower damage because I fight objective points but the only thing that I get thrown back at me is “do more damage, your io is trash!”

Speaking of io, this little argument got my head tilted so I looked it up… zero reference to PvP in there, literally a measure of raid and m+ progression. So go figure, getting ripped on for something utterly irrelevant to the instance in which we’re playing…

I don’t know. I’ve been playing since vanilla and the logical portion of my brain still clings to the thought that people (even new players) would have a grasp on the idea that objective > mindless damage.



You just have to look at human behavior in more worldly way to understand the rationale or lack of common sense in terms of how people argue in a video game.

First thing to remember is this is the internet and it’s easy to get mad at someone and insult them when they are unknown or a pixel; one of the cons of how easy it is to communicate now is that it’s also easy to be casual about it all and indifferent to how one might make someone feel.

Next up when someone gets triggered and is losing, they will often resort to insults, and trying to bully people since they are man-baby-hurt. Once triggered say goodbye to a lot of things , notably common sense, reasoning, etc.

This is why you end up with these nonsensical arguments that generally start with BG damage; with zero context. You might have been flag sitting and fought off 3 rogues but since you have low damage compared to the mouth-breathers in the middle you are bad. Not saying high damage isn’t a factor because it is but it’s a primary means of insulting someone when you don’t have anything else.

Other things that come into focus for someone triggered depending on how they are or what they do is arena rating; I quite often get told how bad I am at Arena despite having 0 rated games in years. (Not my preference)

I have even had some folks insult my server. I mean gee whiz, does someone actually think or believe, that in today’s retail with cross realms and a very small “community” that is truly going to be an insult. It’s hilarious :slight_smile:

So it’s not surprising that someone would bring an IO rating or whatever into your PVP debates since they are upset; they are “clawing/trying to get air” and find something to grasp onto in order to make an attempt to “win” or at least feel better about themselves.

Does it make sense? Not from a logical standpoint but from an emotionally triggered ego/personality you can’t really predict the lengths and “exits from reality” that someone will actually go…

My advice is just have some fun and troll them; I had one guy who insulted me about being survival and trash and how I would never get invited to his groups so I linked him his last dungeon which was a non-timed Underot 9 and then my last dungeon which was a +2 :slight_smile: (Sure, this was a fortunate coincidence, but it was priceless, regardless )

Anyway have a good day and sorry for the novel :slight_smile:


damage matters but its not the end all be all

if you fought for the objective and won with low damage than good for you

if you didnt get the objective and had low damage then what did you really accomplish?

Who cares though in a random BG?

Not everyone is going to do great damage or win every game.

Not everyone has the same expectations and goals and simply playing random BG’s is their “accomplishment”/fun…

Of course we all want to win and we all want to excel but it’s not going to happen all the time just like everything in life :slight_smile:


Maybe you ran interference … dying over and over so that the enemy has wasted time on you instead of objectives ?

Edit:- Damage is literally the worst stat to look at as it can be inflated easily via AoE attacks . If I spam chain lightening and EQ throughout the BG, I will be top or close to top damage . Does not mean I played well at all.

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When I did rates bgs. Generally the team with the most damage win, aoe or not. Sure there are a few rare occasions where they lose due to throwing. But for the most part damage is very important with a mix of good awareness.

its ok guys u dont need any damage to win… u can do 0 dmg and 0 healing and still stomp as long as u focus objectives.

pinky swear.


yeah damage matters… a lot… but its not everything.

obviously objectives matter even more.

i dont think any1 is comparing a mid fighters dmg to a base sitters dmg, that would just be dumb.

Because they’re stupid.

I ding’d 120 on my Horde Priest and entered BGs with 260ilvl, around 50k HP … and immediately got complaints from a couple people.

What they dont realise was how much healing and utility Discs can still do which have no bearing on gear.

Pain Suppression
Dome of Light
Mind Control
Psychic Scream
Leap of Faith
Body and Soul - use Rapture and spam PW: Shield on Flag Carriers for constant speed boosts for 10s

PvP Talents: Purified Resolve + Purification enables two Charges of Purify, and places a Shield equivalent to 5% of their max-HP each time.

Needless to say, despite the low HP, only I died 1-2 times majority of BGs, and we still won most of them.

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Damage wins objectives.

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Oh yeah man disc is so bad at raw HPS rolls eyes

Tossing out a PW:R and spamming PTW is so tuff and does so little for raid healing… wait.

Damage can usuallly win. As a healer it is very noticable when your team isn’t putting pressure on the enemy and you run OOM while the enemy healers don’t. Check damage and sure enough the enemy is doing 50% more. We wipe at that flag node and lose it.

I usually take the loss cause what else can ya do but I will point out the discrepancy if I feel like it. If the dps get butthurt over it then so be it. Hopefully it encourages them to improve. Normally they say nothing, obviously wallowing in thier shame!

@OP, it’s because those people are plain stupid. No better way to put it.

TBH I notice this attitude moreso on alliance side. But maybe horde on the large maps are more chill than the ones on small maps.

no damage doesnt matter all that much Ive held a point and only defended it a few time so my damage was really low but we won. Ive also seen people camp a gy and have huge numbers meanwhile we lose the game because they didnt defend anything

your not doing much healing in that gear

probably geared for kora revenge.

Nah, damage wins games 90% of the time.