How about idea's for mounts?

I’ll start.

Armored Giraffe

Fireball comets

Armored Kangaroos< who indecently could box the bejesus out of AOE nuisances…example Buzzards and Wasps… just sayin…lol

spaceship for druid in cat form

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One of those guys in uldum that is both a vendor and gives you a piggy back ride wherever you need to go.

A duck mount. I shall call him Howard.


Few more new mounts for each race for starters

Blood Elves:

  • Swift Blue Hawkstrider
  • Lightforged Hawkstrider


  • Titanforged Plasma-tech Mechastrider
  • Swift Obsidium Mechastrider


  • Diamondforged Ram (A Ram that’s Diamond, like Magni)
  • Obsidium Ram
  • Stormtouched Gryphon (Gryphon with shining blue eyes & glowing lightning streaks on its wings)


  • Ascended Worgs – Large worgs with white glowing eyes & long flowing fur, almost like it’s lacking gravity “The worgen curse extended its reach to the Worgs of Silverpine forest - which you’d think would be immune, but instead simply elevated them to a higher form. The Gilneans quickly seized the opportunity to bond with these creatures for their people.”


  • Crystalforged Warframe - Like the Lightforged model, but purple & without the runes.

Night Elves:

  • Swift Warden Owl - Imagine the Fledgling Warden Owl, but a large rideable model.

All races:

  • Swift Peacock - Make it an achievement award for the ‘Double Agent’ or something.

Gold Sink Mount:

  • Rideable version of the boss – ‘Opulence’ from Battle of Dazar’Alor. I mean, it’s literally perfect for that. lol

Undead nerubian

I still want my faterpillar mount and to burn the lame tree mount. Actually no, I would use it if it were a burning tree mount.

My idea from my last thread: we get to quest with Fiona (the Worgen) again and then as an end game thing, continue questing with her to build our own caravan, complete with transmogrifier, barber, repair vendor and general goods vendor.

Nah your gonna get another Horse. We all know it. Maybe a Griffin if you are lucky

Going out on a limb here and suggest a spell that goes into your mount catalog and lets you fly like the various Covenants do; angry floating Venthyr, winged Kyrian, etc.
Expanding it to Dragonflight, I say throw in one that gives us temporary animated dragon wings to match our preferred or chosen flight. Modified levitate animations for when we’re skimming along the ground, probably get some more custom animations for the actual flight part, maybe make it another mount you can gather things on just for kicks even.

The goblin hotrod in the starter zone. The trike is a jip.

The Epicus Maximus shark/Dinosaur/laser gun platform mount.

Some kind of crazy flying excavator mining mount, so you can mine without dismounting.

Give me a mosquito mount and I’ll show you the terror of the skies.

Devilsaur mount.

Shark mount.

Eagle mount.

Snake mount.

A Brontosaurus mount with…now get ready… With a AH vendor.

Maybe one day.

We need more multi person mounts:

3 party

5 party

Raid party

Engineering should get a new mount that requires the profession to use, like the flying machine does. I want a single seater airplane. The Explorer’s Jungle Hopper is a two seater, so I think there is room to add a smaller single seat airplane mount. Also, the hopper is a promotional thing for RAF, and not obtainable in the game through playing the game, so there is room for another. Just don’t make it all Indiana Jones like the hopper, go more airplane like the Gnome heritage flight whistle uses.

I just want a carriage mount

I want to be able to inscribe a giant scroll I can ride on, with cool glowing runes.