RuneScape poll booth vote count for the most mundane crap has about 20,000x more votes than the extremely consequential M+ poll got on the WoW forum. People very much respond to in game polls, and very much do not ever become aware of out of game polls. Having it in game is essentially armor against manipulation, as it become virtually impossible to sick interest groups against it.
Good example of something they say “the community” wants yet I see very little evidence of anything approaching a majority is what they’re doing to Wrath Classic. Even on the classic forums, where you could expect the most die hard classickos to hang out, people are relatively up in arms.
For those not paying attention they just insulted every last one of us veteran players who remember Wrath because it brought dungeon finder. Who knew for 15 years I’ve apparently been playing the wrong way and what I’d really like is for that to not be a thing. So I can, you know, not do jack with the one other person I play with, or for that matter when I’m alone.
I don’t use “slap in the face” lightly but after reading their #somechanges manifesto I know I certainly wanted to slap whoever’s in charge of that.
It was the biggest expansion ever, and it had dungeon finder. But that’s just coincidental, and no one actually liked it that way. Yeah, sure, whatever, guess it’s a solid diet of DF for me from here on out. I’ve only been planning on Wrath Classic bringing the finder for the entire time I’ve been spinning my wheels doing very little in TBCC.
So they won’t get a boost out of me and I intend to do my very best to not even make or migrate any characters there. That’s the only way I know to send a message. Good thing DF looks like it could be lit. Dragons, lit, yeeahhh . . .
Surveys are pretty easy to troll. Case in point we’re going on rails next season.
Some of y’alls suggestions are terrible.
I could be no better.
You’re camparing two different games and communities which invalidates any further conclusions. You’re also comparing an ingame poll with a poll on the forums, which isn’t what we were talking about. No one comes here and we all know that by now, so saying a forum poll didn’t get much response isn’t saying anything.
You’re just comparing apples and oranges and trying to draw conclusions based on that.
Because those so uninterested in whatever was being polled in-game don’t matter to that particular poll.
For example, I rarely PvP nowadays, if the monthly in-game poll happened to be all about PvP I probably wouldn’t bother responding to it.
In-game polling - unarguably - gives the greatest chance for community participation. It doesn’t need to have a 100% response rate in order to be worth doing.
This is starting to circle. I’ll leave it here. Won’t happen but best of luck.
Nope. I am saying in game polls are better than forum polls, because they are, objectively, provably. I don’t know how you get what you got out of what I said, you’re 6 states off the mark.