Hottest female race in wow?

Night Elves got me feeling a special way man

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This makes it harder to unsub. If you are someone who would occassionally stop 1 for a month or 2, then come back, you’d be discouraged if you value trust level 3.

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there is only one female race. blood elves are an all female race they are the hottest race on wow and are all female. they come in 2 varrients sexy/hot and not so.


You can actually still get all the necessary reading done without a sub, but being here without being able to post sucks.

They got nuthin on me!!


i don’t get attracted to video game characters, never have, i just didnt

never understood how other people could either, like when they made a character sexy so they could stare at them or something

female pandaren and their absolute thickness made me understand why


Void elves remain the only race with blue skin and black finger/toenail polish.

There’s your answer.

Night elves tie for being Amazon’s.

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Pandaren are best, tauren close 2nd though

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<------------ this one

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Started and ended thread at the same time. :grin:

Is this really a question? Nothing beats goblin. Draenei are a distant second. The rest don’t even matter.

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how is it not blood elves? there are alliance only players that beg for access to them

Space goats
Everything else

Me personally I favor Humans, Dwarves, and Goblins, they seem like a lot of fun.

If speaking from my character perspective, he would likely favor Void Elves, Succubi, and Venthyr. Those seem to be Female races most likely to keep him entertained and nothing I personally want part of.


night elves

Long tail + jewelry. It’s the only viable option. You want to win the trial of style don’t you?

Draenei do not have feet, so as perfect as they are otherwise, I cant get on board with that. I needs the feets.

My vote is for trolls and im not kidding…my best friends give me so much crap for it, but I think female trolls are just divine. I love their bodies, their accents, their potential savagery, the mysterious energy about them.


Hottest is kind of impossible to determine, but everyone do have their favorites.

With the new customizations it’ll be us night elves forever! ~.^

it’s all about that tail