Hotfix for Warsong Gulch Queue Issue

Premade Dodging was always a thing… done by BOTH factions…

Has Blizz blocked Horde players from running a well organized AV Discord?

wut lol really?

guess there are just more alliance twinks

at 60 there are many more horde in que than alliance in both BG’s

I was actually wondering if it was a case of all the Alliance guys who wanted to PVP leveled out of my bracket already lol

That or people are just mass rerolling alliance and the average leveler is alliance

Not a lot of AV going on for toons in the 40’s.

Don’t know if this is the play to put it, but I ran into a weird issue last night regarding WSG queue:

  • I queued up for WSG in UC when guildies invited me to their group, who were queued for WSG in Org.
  • I joined and then noticed two WSG queues in my BG icon (no screenshot I’m afraid)
  • Eventually, I got prompted to join a WSG and upon joining, I realized that it was without my group and seems to have been from the previous queue I was in

tl;dr: joined a WSG queue with guildies while I was already queued, and instead of joining their queue, I was still on the first one I chose.

Oooooo what exploits? Surely Blizzard would have fixed any “exploits” by now…Or is your definition of “exploit”, you losing ?

wtf why would you necro this thread

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Thats how it works

I thought it was weird, cause I assumed I’d just jump into their queue.

that’d make it very easy to jump the line on the queue, wouldn’t it.

Its because it allows you to queue for bgs solo, but also be queued for a specific bg as a group, so you can run a full 10 man wsg premade but then have each player solo queue for AV.

Haha I’ve seen this thread, didn’t realize it was a necro, and was convinced Blizz decided to #NoChange #JustAdjust premades out of WSG too lol (well scouting at least).

#nochanges is bs all classic games had faults OSRS Is a greate example on how to make something classic better ZThe ability for a 10 man team to scout for pugs is obviously an unfair advantage . 10 man team should be competing vs 8-10 man teams. If you even remotely take competitive gaming seriously you know it is garbage and people are only scouting to maximize Honor per hour.

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That’s your problem, mate. WoW Classic is not a competitive game. The raids are easy. There is no rated PvP, arenas nor BGs. There is only honor which is 70% unemployment 20% connections 10% skill.

If you want a competitive game, I unironically suggest playing retail. Rated battlegrounds are quite fun, very changeling and competitive. Additionally there is the arena, which offers a different rated experience.

and here I thought maybe the fixes would be collision issues and being able to MC the enemy out…but yea…reset Q was the biggest problem…

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why cant you do the one simple fix to stop the premades and thats HIDE THE BG NUMBERS.thats it one easy simple fix that was told it would be done in av but we were lied to.

hide the bg numbers or bgs are dead in classic wow.

Aren’t you in Victory and Death? I’m pretty sure I have a higher ranked BWL clear than you do, but stay classy okay bud.

Nice . Thanks.

can someone explain what this exploit did