Hot take: Plunderstorm is so hilarious bad just so they can sell more t-shirts!

Even playing field!

They said.

Level, map, and ability imbalance.

I’m sure proletariat worked hard on this game with a wow skin but the marketing for the patch and this game has been laughable.

I dislike:

  1. it’s pvp
  2. it’s not my wow character
  3. it’s not wow (tab target) combat
  4. the controls suck
  5. its another renown grind but this one has to be done in a limited time if at all.

I tried a few games, realized how much I despised it, and chalked it up to “not for me - sorry mogs, it would have been nice to have you but you’re not worth the pain”.


Just put a copy of the map in WoW. Let people log in their characters and finish their current progress in peace. People who like it can play it and we can all put this fiasco behind us.

Or they won’t, because they know what an absolute failure it is. It says a lot about how much faith they have in this standing on its own merits when this gets a unique parrot DR mount and M+ doesn’t get a DR mount in the whole life of the expansion.

seriously whoever decided that R and T were the keys to use should probably be moved to a position of lesser authority.

Brilliant idea!!