Hot take on cross faction

I havent found an mmo yet with the same feel of pvp combat. Care to point me in that direction? Ngl tho i really dont have anything to lose if they do or dont change anything. My guilds dead and i spend my time solo qing.

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Why ?

Unless the point is to only kill sync groups .

Allow people of the same faction to fight eachother and kill sync Q is generally the point.

Friends can’t fight eachother as long as sync exists

Unless it’s sync V sync but at that point just wargames

happy medium

This can happen with my idea too . All you need is to have leaders of different factions leading the groups. The composition can be mixed .

Tomato tomahto

Because “we are doing mixed faction BGs for PvP! Unless you’re a part of an epic BG community that is widely disliked by the majority of the playerbase” won’t go over well.

Another hot take:

Disable deserter for leaving epics but streamline sync

The whole faction versus faction thing hasn’t been a thing since Battle for Azeroth and you’ve been able to face teams from the same faction in arena since arena was a thing.

Just make battlegrounds cross faction. It would fix a lot of gameplay issues and we shouldn’t sacrifice gameplay for some outdated idea of “faction pride” in instanced PvP. And I was one of the ones who you would see yelling For the Horde back in 2004 as I charged into a group of Alliance in the open world so don’t come at me with this “no oldschool PvPer wants cross faction battlegrounds.” I was playing on a PvP server before battlegrounds were even a thing. I went to Ashenvale at level 13 because I wanted to fight people so badly, but the level 20 spiders said “no” lol.


Same as me. And I’ll still rep the horde until I’m gone. Even if I play one my alli toons I still rep the horde honestly lol. Crazy that I feel bad when we win on the alli side

Hot take:

give people deserter for missing a queue. You can maybe limit it to after the second time missing a queue, since missing a queue on accident does happen legitimately.

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Man these epic sync queuers really hard out defending and then accusing others of wanting to pugstomp WSG when all they do is pugstomp in their respective Epics.

Calling the kettle black and all that. Honestly kinda pathetic now.

I welcome mixed factions bgs and epics, it would even out the dominant “factions”. Causing the epic only premade sync queuers/cheats to face each other would be a bonus.

Shoutout to Torture tho, for actually turning up to that BG game with Bri.

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this would encourage people to windowshop for wins.

too many people would come back from the bathroom to find they have deserter after waiting 45 minutes in RSS dps queue.

this is why i want a currency based system, regular players can buy their way out of a bad game and people who just want to keep “rolling the dice” until the get a winning game by afking out of any losing game would quickly be locked out of pvp entirely for the remainder of the week.

Ya this is honestly the best way. I’m not big on merc mode either, takes away my racial etc, no thanks. Just force cross faction already, red team vs blue team.

It wouldn’t apply to RSS, reason being is because the match doesn’t start unless all players are present. If a player leaves or misses the queue for RSS, it doesn’t affect anyone.

Battlegrounds are a different story, games start regardless if all players are there are not. If a player leaves or misses the queue for the random BG, it leaves a battleground with one less player until it backfills. I always felt bad for the Alliance groups back in Shadowlands whenever RUIN would try to sync a queue and all of them leave a queue just because they didn’t get it. It left whichever battleground queue they left short of 5-20 players, which wasn’t backfilled until after the match had started.

There should be a deserter for that. You deserted them.

The way I’d like it is if the game simply matched equal numbers of 5-mans against 5-mans. So there’d be the chance (likelihood) that you’d have both horde and alliance 5-mans playing together and against each other in epic BGs.

I think this could be pretty fun overall, as long as people have a casual attitude that the point is for FUN and actually good games and aren’t poor winners.

Also, I don’t think cross faction BGs would kill communities except maybe those that don’t have the above attitude.

they could just add the standard queue system from LFR that doesn’t start until everyone accepts. this would allow premades to drop split pops without starting any game shorthanded.

‘Only play regs and rated’ and ‘Epic BGs aren’t PvP’ types couldn’t care less about the casual player base.

Casual players want to hop into UNRATED BGs whenever they feel like it and just have some fun without worrying about gear gaps.

cross faction isn’t the issue so much as cross team assignments of community players who want to be on a single team.

I understand. But i guess that’s where we can agree to disagree. I would like mixing and personally wouldn’t find it problematic.

Then no one would get into a game and premade syncers would be hated even more. Imagine trying to enjoy a battleground with a friend or two but your queue keeps getting dropped because some syncers want to get into the same battleground to stomp pugs instead of just war gaming.

People who sync queue battlegrounds, in my opinion, are unhealthy for the game. Either allow you to queue up as a raid and separate you into your own queue or just let us have forced cross faction battlegrounds.