Hot take on cross faction

Those things are deadly, its actually impressive they havent broken their ankles.

ur telling me, I still got scars on my shins LOL

(Also: off topic → I’ll wreck anyone here on pokemon showdown)

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The point being made here by those of us who do epics is we fought where you had the native ground in a 10v10 with whoever could log in that early that night. Those of us who do epics want to see how you fare on our turf in epics. Who knows, you might wreck us. We could also dog pile your team. It could go either way. And for everyone else, we challenged them to an epic earlier in the week. They don’t have the numbers.

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skill issue

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Kinda, I don’t care for rated as much as others. I’m not that bad at it but obviously not the level of skill as some. I enjoy world pvp and casual bgs more. I enjoy rivalry and the aspect of being kos and seeing people kos to me.

I think a happy medium to this is actually very simple

Let epics q as a raid, let randoms be cross faction

Everyone wins

The sync Q culture, really is what epics are.

Random people just want to slug it out and face their friends.

Who’s better and who isn’t is irrelevant, just let people have fun. Blizzard could even take a vote somehow, like how runescape does polls.

As unpleasent/stubborn as inemia is, they deserve to have fun too. Let the community decide.


That works for us. We have no objection to that.

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I am with you on this part. In classic, it was always fun to find someone in elf land and just hunt them down to the point atht eventually everyone is calling in reinforcments from their lvl 60 friends and it becoming outright brawl. But those times dont exist any more really.

Current world pvp is not fun to me in large scale. But i do enjoy trying to take out people who are just trying to do pvp quest as that is similar to the above scenario.

And if they would just take the time to revamp pvp in general, there could be both rated and unrated “solo queues” for small skirm maps with objectives where there are 5-6 per team. This would likely take over the mass amount of pvp population.

Then for reguler bgs and epics allow for full premades. so if you are going to queue into those bgs, you know its full of premade communities playing against each other in mid to large scale maps.

Then improve some of the maps to modernize them like Av.

we get new pvp flavor everyone is asking for, we get pvp communites like everyone is asking for, we get solo content like so many is asking for. Its a win on all sides, but it takes time and money that I dont think the top corp guys in bliz are willing to take the risk.

Eventually, all that will be left is the pvp comunity as PVE slowly dies. Once its done its done, the end of each season pve wise is dead and everyone hops on other games or lvl alts.

PVP is an on going, ever changing battle that those who enjoy it, do so religiously. So when wow dies, pvp will keep it running on life support.

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So if u scroll through my comments on everything u mentioned is exactly what I’ve been doing. I literally said when I came to the forums was because blizzard dropped the ball on the known enemies so I came here made a name for myself on here and in game. I did that for me. I wish more did that. I miss the glory days of vanilla pvp. I even said that and people argue with me because I brought up my long playing of being around since the beginning and actually knowing what I’m talking about. They get mad at me and take shots at random stuff because they have no real combat to go against my facts on it. Heck even my opinion they just get dumb with insults that get off topic. If u want to pvp banter stay on topic. 99.9% of the community can’t hold a candle to me in trash talk. It’s the reason they report me. They take the weak way out. But yeah I agree for most part with your post. Guess it’s rose colored glasses in hopes of old days coming back.

honestly an objective based 40v40 premade AV sounds insanely insanely fun to me.

the only problem is getting 80 humans on at the same time who r down for a many hour long battle.

its a shame stuff like that never happens too often. =(

Only one way to find out for sure…


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Pretty sure inemia has a vein popping out of their head rn tbh

it used to but people constantly say they dont wnat that any more.

But if we had that I think we would bring back some people that went to other games. Like elderscrolls for example. Thats all their pvp was for a long time and only fairly recently added their bgs, which was absolutely garbage when they first added them.

Actually, they had better transmogs, so they were obviously superior…


I was mainly just poking fun at Blizzard.


You’re only as cute as your ugliest member.

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to answer both of these, my ideal situation would be one in which cross faction communties can queue into other communities cross faction and then let a cross faction mix of solos fill in any remaining spots.

im not sure how to achieve this without allowing some sort of toxic play from some of the premade teams out there.

the closest i have seen to something that works without completely opening up premade raids to queue as a raid is to allow cross faction queueing and then set the party to the faction of the party leader. this would allow cross faction play while still semi-regulating premades by forcing them to still sync.

ideally though, i would prefer to queue as a raid, syncing doesn’t stop toxic teams from spending 3 hours gy farming IoC, might as well let good teams have a chance to form without having to screw over multiple games with queue drops.

nah, i went and got lunch.

Cross faction epics with the players getting the faction of the group leader will work . It will leave sync groups alone and increase the pool

There’s no point in doing it at that point

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