Hot take on cross faction

I don’t do battlegrounds too often, only when I need honor or when I need to help a friend gear up, but I would love to see cross faction battlegrounds.

I don’t want “opt in” cross faction either, I want forced cross faction. For example, if you’re Horde and you queue up for a battleground, you can be placed on either blue team or red team. Thats it, and you can have Horde and Alliance on your team.

It’d solve so many issues. You’d have faster queue times all around, more games, no more “Horde/Alliance always lose!” complaining either.



Thats slly. Literally all other pvp based games do this already. Its not some crazy special unknown programming that is so incredibly difficult to figure out.

But i guess multidollar company.

wow isn’t all other pvp games, if it was, we would play those games instead and you know it.

They do this for rated battlegrounds just fine. I’ve had mixed RBG groups with Horde and Alliance, leader being Horde, and it’ll put us on the Alliance side vs another mixed faction group except they’re on Horde. They have the capability to apply this to random BGs.


Yeah, there are a few places where individual skill can matter.

  1. Solar sphere in Ashran
  2. Cutting off reinforcements in Ashran
  3. Mage ninja in Ashran
  4. Controlling mines in AV
  5. Defending towers in AV
  6. Defending quarry (boat) or refinery in IOC
  7. Small team defending or assaulting a node in IOC
  8. Small team defending or back-assaulting bases in WG

You have to actively seek out the smaller fights, but they are there and they can have an impact on who wins.


That is removing the context of my post.

All other game developers who have randomized queues have figured it out. Its not a secret code that Blizzard wouldnt be capable of doing.

Saying that im comparing the game play itself to other games in a post about changing the coding to allow for fully randomized, cross-faction BG queues, is also silly.

They’re good at that

and epic bgs of course =)

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yes of course, i was just including them in the comment of BGs

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yes but there are consequences. if you remember that poll, pvp is immensely popular, more than the devs ever thought. this is why its so easy for pvpers to build communities that number into the thousands while pve guilds struggle to fill a 10 man raid on tuesday night. those communities are at risk with eliminating the ability for players to play as a community by intermixing them on both sides.

the slow march to appeal to the solo player has slowly destroyed the game we used to know as wow. most of the game is a shell of its former self, gone are the massive raiding communities and server rivalries, people just log in to spin the loot pinata and don’t say a word to anyone else in game.

with FromSoftware out there releasing hit after hit of real legit games they can’t exactly risk alienating some of the last true social wow players as they likely won’t get them back.

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It’s a good point . I mean GG got disbanded and within 12 hours was above 300 members in the new community . Not sure why Blizz would want to ruin that .

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Honestly I would be fine with small groups like gangs or crew warfare than just 2 giant sides fighting. Make guilds like I said that anyone can kill each other on map or in bg except a guild mate.

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Mixed faction bgs would serve the masses. I’m not all for not doing something because it may affect 10% of the PvP population negatively.

That being said. Blizz needs to :poop: or get off the pot when it comes to epic premades. Either crack down on those that are bypassing the 5-man queue restriction or get rid of the 5-man queue restriction and allow full raids to queue together.

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So in your mind, even though we have cross-faction guilds, that if we made BGS and Epic Bgs cross-faction, then all of a sudden we alienate communities?

That argument doesnt make sense. Because of cross-faction guilds, you have both alliance and horde in the same guild, but they cant pvp together. By creating cross-faction pvp, all of a sudden guilds can recruit anyone and everyone, allowing for much much larger pvp communities because it no longer matters what faction race you made.

On top of this, pvpers are slowly migrating to alliance races for certain racials. so Horde has a permanent enlistement bonus because there arnt anywhere near as many horde versus alliance. Opening up factionless bgs also removes this issue, removing any alienation of players who prefer horde based races.

Factionless pvp literally removes alienation, not create.

Some communities only have one or two strat callers though. And some people are faction purists. DJL is not cross faction and has no plans to be. I think if half my team was on the other side they would very quickly say we’ve not playing, this isn’t fun. The point of it is to play together for us. When we get split queues ppl get upset as things are now.

It would be bigger if pvp was factionless.


isnt this what the small scale rbgs people keep asking would be? mostly small skirms and team fights over major objectves?

Their is a lot that could be done to make pvp better in general for this game, from an objective standpoint.

thats somthing that could be fixed by simply allowing full raid premades in Epics. and with factionless bgs, premades coudl be formed more easily and there fore likely to have more premades available to queue against.

Almost every reason why ive seen people argue against this has a solution but it would require blizz to spend money on man power and time to do so. And that is what i dont think would happen and the only thing that gives these arguments against factionless pvp merit.