Hot take on cross faction

It can be pretty good experience.
Nothing more fun than playing rambo in AV, just ambushing back cappers and stragglers on the roads.

Just not the content I do

on an average day with an average group yes, but if we did a wargame i can’t agree, we have too many good players in SAS to just discount them, i think it would be closer than you think, and might even come down to which team PK chooses to play on.

If you ever change your mind though I would enjoy hunting premades with more people.

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For me it’s more

I like playing with my friends, we lose all the time. We don’t really try that hard to win, we just try and have as much fun as possible. Our individual talent is really high so we can win a lot of games. That’s kinda it

When we want to take the game seriously we do RBG’s and arena, J and I have hit 2700 ish in 3s, and 2500 in 2s. We use bgs as a way to sharpen those skills


There is rarely lag . How bad is your internet?

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I live on a campus

it’s awful

dorm life is tuff

A link from one of inemias videos

The server just can’t handle big fights

everyone is teleporting everywhere. That kind of pvp is just not for me


apparently it loops around the equator twice before going anywhere.

That post makes me feel old, I lived in a dorm when I went to college in Kansas back in 1993!

Dang patronus we grew up near eachother lol

← Missouri lol

small world

No, I grew up in Texas but Kansas was the only college to offer me a full ride to play soccer.

Well if you have lag everytime you get into an epic, I can understand why you don’t play it at all. Lag makes me crazy as well. But epics seldom have lag usually if you are on an ok connection.

Dooman the servers are clearly lagging in that video, it’s not an internet or pc issue xD

this is why they keep me nerfed :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what video you are referring to but I play epics every night. I never have lag. As I said lag makes me crazy . I won’t even play the game with the slightest amount of lag.

The world was born on war yet for the most part we live in relative peace in most countries while spending a lot of time trying to stop war in other countries.

The story of WoW has changed over time and Azeroth is no longer at war and works together. This is especially so in DF where there isnt even a faction break at all in the main city unlike previous Expacs.

There is no more war between Alliance and horde but rather smaller, mercenary like factions that fight for various reasons.

Cross-faction Bgs would resemble that.

I linked it like 2 posts ago when I responded to you lol

he is right though, we don’t really see that anymore. at least not atm. it was due to a combination of the interaction of the netcode with dk spells and in game procs.

Yeah, I’m with Joker on this one, and I’m about as OG as you can get. I was here when Molten Core was our only raid. I SEEN THINGS!

Those who enjoy pvp want games, maybe even competitive games. Faction lore has exactly zero squirt impact on pvp. The quality of gameplay far outweighs accepting what we have now in an effort to save “lore.”


epic communities aren’t against cross faction play, we just don’t want the baby thrown out with the bathwater, we want a means to play together as a large coordinated team, on the same team.