Hot take on cross faction

Patronus, I was pvping at hero MMR last season.

I can confidently say most hero players are hot garbo

I was playing prot/arms at 2700 mmr in rbgs last season with a 65% win rate

I doubt a person can get carried to Hero.

I know a prot warrior that got hero patronus. Dude just hit thunderclap in teamfights

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Damn! The two I have on Real ID were 3k+ when they got their titles.

Patronus are you drunk again?

You have no idea what goes into being hero lol

I don’t drink, saw my self in the mirror shirtless and scared myself to death. So have been on a diet since late May, have lost 40 pounds almost down to 195.
For me it is water, fish, and white rice.

Hero titles are not uncommon in the BGs and I’ve fought more of them than I can count. What you are not considering is the number of seasons that this game has had.

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I just said if I can be in someone’s team sure.

Do I really need to get bob to give me the screenshots of you apologizing for making a complete fool of yourself?

Are we really going to do this?

Can you carry me then? Just kidding, to be honest I will never be on that skill level. Not afraid to admit I am not near that good.

I actually know someone who can carry you yes

Getting hero is very simple.

There was a guy named TC in my groups when I was pushing.

He was doing 8m damage a game, going 0/7 and got hero because he “knew people”

Hero is not a crazy accomplishment.

The only time I remember is dueling an Enhancement Shaman in SL, and getting 100-0 in like 5 seconds, he later told me the Shaman was using some bug, other than that I really don’t know what you are talking about.

Yes, that is the time I’m referencing. You sat in party and dropped a bunch of slurs. The next day you apologized.

Nah, I would seriously never do that. My dad always taught me to earn things legit, and if a 2k player is my height of PvP so be it.

You’re a dork patronus

Not exactly true, i didn’t curse at anyone, just cursed as in like what the heck happened. And I apologized that same night.

To be fair u do the same thing when coming at me with anything. U pull random stuff out to try and beat me on an argument of accomplishments

Yes I know my wife and daughter remind me of this everyday!

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I guess averages aren’t something you can understand

I’ll admit you’re a better epic leader than me, I’ve prob done 30 in my entire life. I never found the lag aspect to be fun

(this is the part where you admit you’d get rolled demolished in a 15v15)

I would be down for this, playing with and against better players just makes you better, imo.