Hot take on cross faction

you also have to remember that in 8.0 epics were split off into their own bracket, and we have been continuously reminded by many players about how much epics don’t matter. well, to the people who epics do matter to, they have developed their own playstyle for epics, and it includes large premade groups. the argument of twinks does not work here because epics already are their own queue. now its not even enough that we sit over here in our own small queue that nobody cares about, now we have to put up with the complaints of people who couldn’t care less about epics on any given day but now suddenly care because a premade is making them work for a worthless quest.

premade epics is just as real of pvp as a rated 2v2 match, just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it any less real, btw your argument is a logical fallacy called “no true scotsman” unless we are talking about he authenticity of something, anytime someone comments about what counts as real or not real due to their opinion, you know they are full of it.

lets change the context, if a brand new player joined LFR and kept pulling the boss, taunting, and causing the team to wipe over and over and over. they would vote to kick, no hesitation.

why are pvpers supposed to just put up with it?

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