Horrific Visions: Your progress?

Been doing them solo, Warlock has full clear with a mask done, haven’t had the time to give multi mask a clear on him yet. Will probably go 2 mask then 3 as I’m scared of the boars lol.

Dare devil + Long Night is a scary combo.

Cape rank 12
ilvl 460
4 Mask runs complete

I should get around to trying 5 masks this week, but i really really really dont want to deal with Longest Night + Daredevil + Rexxar boars

i run solo, and i did my first 4 mask clear this week. i might attempt the 5 mask over the next couple of days before it swaps back to SW. wont even bother doing a 4 mask run in SW, because its just not worth the hassle. the mechanics in org are far less punishing while we are still powering up the cloak.

for those that dont know, apparently the titans buff has a 80 second internal CD, so you can play around that for things like especially rexxar.

On Life, I’m currently capable of 3 side areas+boss.
I have 2 other toons that are capable of doing 2 side areas+boss.
Not worried about it regardless.

I have successfully completed a 4 mask full clear of Ogrimmar. I tried to 5 mask clear a couple of times and made a bunch of dumb mistakes and got destroyed. I think I will probably stick to 3 mask clears for the rest of the cloak upgrading process to maximize my memento gathering (I don’t have the time to spend looking for chests with 4 or 5 masks).

Of course, if I get some more significant gear upgrades, I may give 5 masks a try again sooner. I’m a mediocre player so I’m going to try and avoid stressing myself about it too much.

Rank 8 cloak. No mask clears. I like Horrific Visions, but what it took for me to do them burned me out. If I come back to the game before Shadowlands, I might try to do more of them. Taking a break for a bit though.

I’ve done 1 mask SW and 2 mask Org on this druid in Boomkin spec. I do the vast majority of runs solo, and occasionally with my brother and sister.

My BM hunter alt just did her first full clear of Org (with an orb and cheat death to spare), which netted her a rank 12 cloak and enough science to finally pick up Gift, so I will probably do single mask runs with her going forward. I run solo with her.

I don’t know how people are able to full clear.

Maybe I’m bad.

I got to rank ten tonight. It took three vessels but whatever it could have taken six so I’m getting better at these!

Obviously I’m not bothering with those.

My policy on content I don’t much like: do at most the bare minimum needed to do other content, then stop. If I can’t even stomach that, unsub. Beyond that, doing that content is sending the devs the wrong message, and rewarding them for something I’d rather penalize them for.

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Did Org 5 Mask full solo clear this week, and plan on doing the same for Stormwind next week to claim “The Faceless One” title.

Wrote a guide for Assassination rogues in the rogue forums based on my experience doing the Org vision and will do the same for Stormwind.

Rank 12 cloak and did my first full 5 mask clear of org this week. Should be interesting to see how that goes in Stormwind.