Horrific Visions: Your progress?

I’ve also been taking a cautious approach. Got my first full clear (no masks) done this week. Going to try a 1 mask run today. Gift of the Titans is a huge boon to running Visions.

I exclusively run them solo now.

Bringing friends was bad. Bringing PUGs was worse.

I had been doing 2 masks consistently. It didn’t feel hard, but I did use all of my orbs through the run.

That is, until this week. I inexplicably got the entire run down with zero orbs used despite pulling every trash mob in the vision. I used all three orbs just to mess with secondary objectives and look for hidden chests. Something I got made a huge difference and I don’t really know what. I already had Gift of the Titans, so it wasn’t that.

I cannot experiment or go again because I finished my quest for the week and infinite resistance farming incentivizes hoarding your vessels until you hit rank 15.

Anyone running visions I strongly recommend this. Trash can hit hard if you get stunned up, hits even worse with more masks. 2% food saved my 5 mask run and I can 100% guarantee if anyone out there is having trouble with damage intake it will save yours.

comfortable doing 4-mask full clear as (solo) Brewmaster, but haven’t attempted 5-mask yet ( don’t have much time to do stuff before raid time on week day). Rexxar is pretty much the only guy that worry me in a 5-mask run (can’t quite burst him down unless i get several lucky TD proc).

stormwind vision is another story however, will likely not attempt a 5-mask run in stormwind until the 80% sanity reduction.

Did my first full clears this week on rogue to hit rank 11. Since 12 only needed one lost zone I threw on the first mask and full cleared again.

Realised I’d been playing too cautiously (though I don’t have many mementos as I don’t raid or bother with dailies).

Next week I should have gift if the titans and that should help me 3+ mask orgrimmar. Not sure about stormwind.

Played the wife’s hunter as well and her guild leader offered to pull her through. Her cloak was rank 8 and she didn’t have elite killer upgrade. He threw on an easy mask and full cleared. While heading back to thrall I didn’t jump the bugs off and got feared through a wall into out of bounds and died in about 4-5 seconds, totally stuck and unable to get back through a solid wall.

All you guys who full clear it are either ilevel 460 or with Gift of the Titans on Row 6 of Titan Research Archive.

Technically, I am just ilevel 455 who hasnt killed Ny’alotha Normal yet and also at M+9 becoz of time constraints of being casual. I have rank 12 Cloak with Breath of the Dying at 52 Corruption Resistance.

I feel like I am not aggresive enough on pushing myself to harder content. Maybe I could full Clear it but I havent attempted it yet as I am saving my Vessels… like I used 4 Vessels to get my Rank 11 Cloak last week. To my surprise, I only used 1 Vessel this week to get rank 12 cloak. Looks like rank 13 would require me 4 Vessels again. I already have 4 on my bank. I think I could use 1 more Vessel this week to get Gift of the Titans then may attempt a full clear next week. And maybe push more M+9 runs, hopefully get upgrade to reach ilevel 460.

I am just taking my time. I am just Casual anyway. I am progressing on gear but not as fast as most of you guys who are AoTC already farming M+15.

I think I was about your ilvl when I did my first full clear with just elite extermination. That was 5 weeks ago and as a shadow priest. Not to say everyone’s capable of it but it’s definitely doable.

As far as vessels. Rank 13 requires 2, rank 14 requires 3, and rank 15 requires 4. You get 6 per week from all the dailies and events etc, so you’re free to experiment and try to push yourself.

Only rank 10 on my Arms Warrior main. Only clearing two zones at a time in both Org/SW… moving kinda slow but I don’t have a whole lotta time to play right now due to RL.

Considering masks are completely optional nothing is being forced bucko :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have not completely given up, but I really don’t care if i run them. When my wife gets time I do a few other than that I just don’t care for the cloak and I absolutely hate corruption so I don’t care if it is leveled or not because I just cleanse everything.

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Not going to lie, I was getting bent out of shape on keeping some alts up to speed, but I really realized this week how much of a “saw tooth” progression the cloak is. First tier = tainted area, Second Tier = corrupted area, Third Tier = lost area. More and more work needs done toward the end of each tier of cloak, but when you start the next tier the upgrades come quick. Makes getting over the hump feel like you’re falling behind, but then you catch up quick once you make it past.

Understanding the design of it a little better made me ease up in my head more :wink:

When you consider my reply was about masks because the OP specifically asked about masks, my response was appropriate.

Oh I’m in no hurry with the cloak or visions. Just welcomed a kid 4 weeks ago so WoW is not really on the forefront of my mind :grinning:

Cept Galleon… I still make sure to kill him 20 times a week.


Grats on the lil Snikrot!

…that sounded better in my head…


Finally got my 5 mask this week. Should have got it 2 weeks ago but I am terrifically bad at this game.

I have never completed a full clear. I have no masks. I only do what is necessary for a cloak upgrade, so to not waste the time of the very kind people who help me.

Have done 4 mask pretty easily as resto. Tried 5 mask and died in a stun. Will attempt again tonight. Resto is pretty OP as far as healers go though. Will be curious to see how I fair on my disc.

Solo only. Rank 8. I don’t raid, so not a concern to push like others. I can do main boss + 1 area.

I tried to get a group for it once, and when I kept getting denied over and over, I found out I could solo the extra one, and never bothered seeking a group again.

Just started. Did my first two today, solo. Since, I’m a Resto Shaman I was a little concerned about it, but it wasn’t bad. A little preparation before going in really pays off.

Anyway, my cloak is just a paltry level 3 right now.l

Rank 12. Thankfully now I can stop as I have zero interest in visions and only wanted the max tier mog.