Horrific Visions: Your progress?

Almost successfully pulled off a 3 mask run. My group and I have never dabbled in masks, but we said screw it, and elected to give it a shot. We successfully full cleared with a mask with zero issue. So we wanted to try three masks (since we unlocked two in that full clear). We wiped on Thrall with 40% left.

The reason is because we just weren’t used to the extra sanity draining mechanics and the pools. Admittedly, our druid loves to strafe. So we’re all at the door waiting to go into the place and he’s just strafing and dropping goop beneath us.

I think we can get it done though. We’re gonna try again this weekend.

I 2-masked Org with ease, having a full orb left, and I was certain I could 3-mask. I’d been using the add mask and the double affix one, added burned bridge. I underestimated how much it would screw with me, it totally messed up my movement style in combat. Ended up hot fotting myself off a bridge in the first side area, getting stunned in my own goop, and dying. First time I completely failed a vision.

Switched out burned bridge for the 400% sanity one, which I expected to be as brutal as long night, and it actually wasn’t as bad as I feared. Ended up clearing the four side areas but died to Thrall.

Hot feet keeps messing with me, so I might give burned bridge another try and switch out the double affix one on my next try. Hope to get a three-mask clear this week, going to give it two more trys.

I’ve only done them in a group once and decided it felt harder than just being solo. So far I’ve managed 3 mask Full Clear. Org with Daredevil, Burned Bridged, and Dark Imagination.

As a soloing VDH my progress is a crawl (not a complaint, just not pushing to get temporary abilities). Currently working on cloak rank 11. Got 2/8; wanna get 4/8 before Tuesday reset.

Will discontinue all HVs next week when Stormwind is up (though I’ll still be playing to re-stock vessels). Then I’ll resume HVs when Orgrimmar is back. Will finish R11, start on R12.

Slow and steady. Again, not busting my azz for abilities that will be gone before year’s end.

Rank 11. I was able to finally full clear a few times (no masks) on my DK. I was able to do one lesser area and almost kill the boss on the higher area with the first mask that reduced sanity.

Should get Rank 12 at some point this week when I get enough essences for keys.

Rank 9, just unlocked elite extermination last night, will go for my first full clear tonight and see how it goes. With the change to pages that will put me to 10 in one run (missing 4 pages currently). Hopefully full clears will become the norm for me so I can finish out my tree and give mask runs a go

Going to take you forever to get the cool cosmetic rewards from wraithon. Masked runs reward more mementos. A lot more.

There are also achievements you can get. Don’t see any reason not to do masked runs. They don’t eat up too much time and man that backpack is pretty sweet.

I have two talent points left in mother’s research tree. I nearly cleared a 5 masked run, but had some bad luck on it and didn’t want to burn my dps pots. Obviously I’ve cleared a 4 mask run.

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Just did a full clear the other night cloak is at 10

I’ve cleared a 5 mask run, wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, but its not a push over either.

I’ve fully unlocked my research tree, so I’m probably gonna farm 4 mask runs and save up for the mount. Perhaps be one of the first players in the world to get it.

From this point it should take just under a month I reckon.

You won’t be one of the first.

Are you chasing down corrupted monsters all day? And maxing your time in mini visions?

I said that statement with some degree of hyperbole, don’t get your knickers in a knot.

4 mask full clear. Attempted a 5 mask full clear, but got absolutely annihilated by Rexxar and his boars.

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i’ve done four masks, but feels like i could actually do 5, had full sanity before thrall

not sure i could do same in storm

I don’t really like visions, they’re boring so I do the bare minimum for the quest.

I did full clears (no masks) with a 2 person group and it was more fun than doing them solo so maybe I’ll try masks later.

I currently have a Rank 12 Cloak, but I am likely more cautious in them then I need to be. I’ll catch back up and attempt a full clear when we return back to Org again since I’m skipping SW and will be stockpiling my Vessels for the next 1.5 weeks. I’ll attempt the riskier mask runs once I get a max cloak later down the road.

I am 100% solo during my HV runs.

Rank 6 and will stay that way. Can’t get into any pugs or in any guild runs (pretty much blacklisted for some reason) and refuse to do any optional bosses solo.

I’m just running to upgrade my cloak which I got to 12 last night and since I’m going to skip SW, I’m off for this week. I’ll probably work on my alts cloak though.

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Gratz on your first 2-mask full clear! I’m at 4-mask full clear. It’s rough with the 50% max sanity reduction. I still make a lot of mistakes as this patch has forced me to play feral (I love it, but I’m rusty as all heck.)

I did this week full clear without masks… as Shadow . I am playing holy for raids and myth+ … so I am proud of myself :joy:

I’m taking it slow. I just did my first full clear this week, and then collected the Faceless Mask of the Burned Bridge. Maybe I’ll try a full clear with that mask this weekend if I have time.