Horrific Visions: Your progress?

So, as the title suggests, what’s everyone’s current progress in Horrific Visions?

I play them solo, and I just finished my first full-clear with two masks. Since the drastic increase to Vessel acquisition, as well as the decrease to cloak upgrade requirements, I decided I’d use some of the vessels I’d been stockpiling to use for the final cloak upgrades.

It’s kind of nuts, when I gave the half-sanity mask a try, I only managed to get two bonus objectives down before I decided I’d better not push my luck, and went for Thrall.

But after that? I tried the void puddle mask, and got a full-clear, no issue. A bit weird, so I decided to push my luck further, and tried two masks, the puddle mask, and the 400% sanity damage mask. Again, full clear, first try.

While this is encouraging (and I think I might give 3 masks a try next week, when I can unlock the last two), I have to ask, why is that first mask SO much harder than the other ones? Like, how are two masks combined easier that one by itself?

Anyways, how about the rest of you? How far have you cleared, and do you generally run solo, or in groups?

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Only rank 7 because I basically save my vials for when my fiance wants to go. It holds me back a lot gear-wise, but she plays Resto and timed content isn’t her strong point.

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I run solo and did a 5 mask clear this week. The rough masks to me are the 400% sanity damage and the half the sanity one.

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I’ve just been doing maskless full clears. Did a 1 mask clear the other day because someone wanted to. But generally I’d rather not risk failure when there are limited runs per week. I’d rather just store vessels to make sure I can get my upgrade as soon as it’s available.

That’s one downside to the whole limited accessibility thing. I don’t feel like I can push for better runs when I could screw up and not get my upgrade, which is the thing that matters most.

Because sanity is the limiting factor in these runs, and the Long Night cuts it in half. It would be like needing to time a +15 in half the time. Doing so would be much harder than adding even 2 or 3 more affixes to the normal timer.

I would recommend always running with the Long Night mask, so each subsequent run you do you better manage your time and pulls.

Strictly solo, about to hit rank 12. I just started being able to do full maskless clears now. I’m not really going to do mask runs until I get a little higher cloak and that final talent tree point, Gift of the Titans or whatever it is. I’ll feel a lot more comfortable trying masks after that. Not really in a rush.

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I’ve 5 mask cleared org on my mage, and plan to attempt it for SW next week. The half insanity mask is by far the hardest. I found the 2% heal food and the 100 insanity food to be very helpful. I didn’t bother too much with the buffs inside the visions unless they were very easy to acquire. I made use of invis twice as aggro drops, and tracked gift of the titans to determine if I was safe to continue pulling large.

Oh, I only run it solo. Don’t have the group traits yet.

I mean, I understand the mechanics of why it’s so hard, I just mean, design-wise, why is there a mask that is just blatantly SO much harder than the other masks on offer?

Blizzard likes the go-go-go mentality, and this mask forces that.

I’ve been full clearing for a few weeks now on both my hunter and my monk (I main mistweaver on her but have been doing runs as windwalker and I can pull numbers but I’m not super comfortable so clears are a little rocky); last week was the first time I attempted a mask run on my hunter and I successfully full cleared long night without having to burn an orb until mage quarter (my fourth zone). I had been using vessels to help guildies get their upgrades so didn’t have a chance prior. This week I’d like to try pushing more masks as I’ve got 5.5 vessels saved up.

Rank don’t care! Haven’t even started.

Stopped at 5 was getting bored, went back to alt stuff doubt ill continue doing the cloak stuff. Got a legendary cloak sitting in bank already collecting dust.

Level 11, exclusively duo with spouse’s hunter, and we haven’t done masks yet although that’s on the agenda. No full clears, I think it’s been two areas each time, a couple mailboxes, and head back. I’ve been mildly curious what it’d be like to solo as a holy priest as I’ve seen some conversations about it, but these runs are the one thing we do together in the game when we have free time (kids allowing) so that’s not happening any time soon.

Got Masked Soliloquy yesterday, using the Mask of the Burned Bridge. Almost didn’t kill Thrall in time.

Not bothering with masks. Basically only doing it to upgrade the cloak.


Solo, only as blood DK.

The most I can manage is to get two pages, then perhaps kill the boss.

I am rank 12, though, so this is fine?

I certainly can’t do anything with a mask, since I can’t even clear 3 areas without a mask.

I am one point away from filling in the 3, before the final research thing which sounds really good (then I will go down to the other 3 on the right side before it, then down to the “group” ones after that.)

I play solo. don’t bother on stormwind weeks. I mostly just help zappyboi then go get thrall.

I haven’t quiiiiiite gotten to the point where I can handle two side areas yet

Mine progression is in the kitchen baking cookies. I’m skipping those things completely.



Two mask clear on my DH (but it was easy enough that I am positive I can do a 3 run this weekend), my rogue just did his first full clear and my DK came up just short of his first full clear last night.

On my Hunter, I’m at Rank 8 and saw I needed 4 pages for the next one and kind of stopped. I had no problem clearing them solo though (BM). I have a lot of alts and they are lower. I also have a few 120’s that haven’t even run the questline to get the cloak. Just not too motivated ATM.