Horde Warlock LFGuild - 1 day clear schedule (2 days for nax?)

Hey, Afterparty is looking for some good players. We have three raid groups and all of them raid at 8:30pm server time (ashkandi). Our mon/wed team and Tues/thurs team are looking for a warlock. So you have a choice there.

All three raids have fully cleared AQ40, MC, BWL, Ony. We’re pretty competitive.

Now we do have 2 official raid days, but the second day is usually for BWL or in the case when naxx comes out, will be dedicated to naxx.

You can add me on discord at Namelus#1617. I sent you an invite anyway.

I’d love to talk more.

Heres a post of our guild: [H-Ashkandi] | #1 Horde Guild on Server Recruiting! 3 raid groups clearing all content