Ziryus, someone who is all-in on the map advantage bandwagon even though they didn’t question the map and mentioned having so lots of fun in AV prior to pre-mades getting the Blizzard treatment.
How can anyone POSSIBLY know how skewed the map is and still blame Alliance for losing?? This is like putting an athlete running a 100 meter dash 30 meters back from the starting line. Stop telling them they didn’t want it badly enough, or their losing is a “cop out.” What a disgraceful thing to say.
I’ve been in countless matches and watched Alliance try their hardest - communicate, strategize, no afkers or leachers, and still lose over and over and over again. Blaming Alliance isn’t only ignorant, it’s insulting.
But it is. Never once said in any of my posts that the map wasn’t an issue. Only ever stated it wasn’t the issue. And in the case of the subject of my earlier post it wasn’t an issue at all until pre-mades got fixed. In fact, if you go back and look at Alliance posts on the topic, very few brought up the map as an issue prior to the pre-made change.
If there’s one thing both sides agree on its that the horde cave should be pushed back. I doubt few horde would really be worried if that happened to be the case.
Even so, the brouhaha about the current discrepancy in starting locations is really only relevant if AV were a race instead of a large PvP battleground.
Why do you think Alliance began queue syncing? It wasn’t fun. You’d hang around the BM queuing up, leaving queue, queuing up again, and so on. Many times you wouldn’t get the correct BG number, so you’d wait for that match to end and do the whole thing again.
Not fun. It wasn’t done because it was fun. It was done because it became the only option if you wanted to win. Even so, in all those premades, we won around 70% of our matches. When my main got exalted she never went back … and premades were STILL a thing. That’s how “fun” it was.
And ALL of that is irrelevant to the map BS. ALL of that is irrelevant to the changes Blizzard has made to Classic AV yet refused to address the imbalance issues.
It is an opinion that it is the singular or primary problem for Alliance in AV. An opinion that isn’t shared by everyone, even in Alliance.
Practically nobody on Alliance said “we have to pre-made to make up for the Horde map advantage” prior to pre-mades getting the axe.
It was all about HPH. When Alliance pre-mades caught a hint of A match that wouldn’t end in under 10 minutes they’d AFK out and re-queue to preserve that HPH. People were bragging about it on this very forum. When Blizzard removed that option, people left AV for the other BGs because it was better HPH.
It’s a fact that the entire win/loss rate in AV is because of the map.
Even IF every single Alliance gave up and afk’d in the cave it would be because of the MAP.
Alliance hate AV. They’re demoralized and without hope. But they still try. They strategize before the gates open, they don’t afk out, they push IBGY - even when winning is beyond hope.
They deserve respect for that. They don’t deserve Blizzard and posters trying to troll and humiliate them.
It’s disgusting what Blizzard has done to a big part of their player base. It’s even more disgusting what fellow players have done.
The current alliance win rate demonstrates how much of an issue the map is.
Issues which were addressed in retail when they became an issue there. So this isn’t even a case of these being classic only problem. These are well known and fixed issues.