Horde really like to make revisionist history. You are bad, get over it

Hon, your whole RP is all the way out now, everyone’s staring at it! Cover it up!


I am sorry were we not committing genocide against demons then?
The Horde is no different.


I’m not sure they did judging from this thread

Don’t forget Horde players were making theories about Jaina being a dreadlord because she hated them (for a brief period)


We were fighting them for sure because they refused to stop killing us. The Horde in that regard is different.

That isnt true either. Especially for Forsaken players, if you didnt thibk Sylvanas was going to plunge the world into case you have ignored all her lore since inception.

That makes no sense.
Give me something that the Horde and the Burning Legion differ on.

Why should I judge these two entities differently?


Yeah, I’m afraid it’s really not.

Pheandra is, IRL, a crazy person.


I mean, thousands of years, thousands of worlds destroyed. Never helped save Azeroth, let alone a history of working towards that goal. One side has a history of rebelling against corrupt leaders, the other side is the Legion.

But I like your RP, keep at it.

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Well for one said Horde has managed to help us kill several of the bad guys. For another their motivations for war(which I outright reject but still) are different from the “lets kill everything” Legion.

‘haha ohhhh nooooo lol the stinky green people attacked us, it’s self defense when we invade their city and slaughter every adult in their tribe with our awesome power, everyone saw it lol, sucks that they have stinky green person gods, this is justice, everything i do is justice, my viewpoint and way of life is assumed to be correct/good/familiar loooool’

One of the core Alliance faction fantasies, which has its roots in the beginnings of the fantasy genre, is ‘Kill the stinky green people and feel good about doing it.’ The warcraft universe twists around itself to enable that, and always has.


The Horde destroyed a world.
Invaded another one to destroy it but were stopped. In AU they were well on their way to destroying a world again.
So that argument falls apart pretty quick.

Internal power struggle nothing more. Their leader turned on them so they had to be removed. Demons plot and back stab each other all the time.

Did you miss the part where multiple times they internally threatened to destroy it from within only to be stopped by the blue team?

He calls me crazy and he trivializes genocide and call its wrong to stop them.

Looks like a well adjusted individual that perfectly fits the Horde.


You mean the tribe that was just before hand killing and torturing night elves(I assume this was about the Shatterspear tribe). They left no other option for the Alliance. Even the night elves regretted it had to come down to it.

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Nonsense. Many of us who rolled Horde back in vanilla did so being sold on the idea that the they were embracing honorable values and ideas of survival through unity under Thrall’s leadership. I didn’t like being villain batted under Garrosh during MoP.

BfA was just straight up ludicrous lunacy. Blizzard should be ashamed of it.

Now with all of our a**hole leaders either dead or no longer part of the Horde and the reigns taken back up by Thrall, Baine, and others, maybe…just maybe, the Horde can finally get back on track.


‘ohhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooo, look what you made me do, i had to do it, loooook what you made me dooooooooooo’

Ain’t it just quackin’ crazy how there always seems to be a justification lying around for any brutal race war the Alliance wants to do? Almost like ‘winning brutal race wars but not having to feel bad about it’ is, again, the core faction fantasy.


One orc did, as an accident. Know your lore.

No they weren’t. Draenor was never almost destroyed. Know your lore.

When an entire group bands together with the express purpose of overthrowing their leadership, it’s a rebellion. Know your vocabulary.

Yes, I did. Other than the initial invasion’s efforts, when has the Alliance stopped the Horde from destroying Azeroth?

Not MoP, because the Horde helped overthrow Garrosh, and Garrosh wasn’t trying to destroy the world.

NoT BfA, because Sylvanas was just trying to cause a bunch of murder, not destroy Azeroth. Also, see abive for Horde presence.

Know your expansions.

It’s either crazy or RP. You tell us. Know your diagnosis.


You would be dead wrong.

Look at some of your fellow posters here.
They are exactly where they belong and BFA fits the narrative they want for their faction.

Yeah and look how popular Baine is among the Horde playerbase!

I love how you guys all immediately replied to this. Lmao.

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It’s a social distancing Saturday. Not much else to do.


Dude, don’t argue with Pheandra. Pheandra is the ur-idiot from which all lesser idiots flow.

Don’t tell me what to do, you’re not my real dad!

Besides, I love Phae. She’s adorable.