Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

We got tripped into a trip down headcanon lane because I asked a question that no one wants to answer.

If the Troll empire’s lands are no longer seen as belonging to trolls and instead to elves or humans, what is the cut off? When can we say “This is no longer night elven land.”?


I’m against this whole peace treaty thing in general but if it’s happening I’m fine with the country elves holding Ashenvale.

Never because Horde players didn’t have to play through Kaldorei conquering troll land ten thousand years ago. I’m being forced to play through losing to the Horde or unsubbing. Why is my $15 worth less than a Horde or Human player’s $15???


Except the context of this was that Malfurion and the Kaldorei Druids were there hanging out with the Wild Gods, and the place held significant cultural relevance to the Kaldorei people, that opposing would only cause Azshara problems.

I am not sure how this makes an issue at all… You think Cenarius would be cool with the Kaldorei just slaying the peaceful, nature oriented Dark Trolls on Hyjal?

And if so, you think the Dark Trolls would have lent their aid to the Kaldorei in Warcraft 3?

I don’t think so.

Ashenvale never belonged to the trolls.


Did we not play conquering it a year ago?


After the point where the number of infants born, and children raised to adults combined outnumbers the number of people displaced. At that point the ‘invaders’ have become the ‘residents.’

Right, but in the very section quoted it talks about how Cenarius and the Wild Gods grew to appreciate the Night Elves, meaning they didn’t appreciate them before when they were Dark Trolls. So again, if it was significant enough for Chronicles to mention that Cenarius grew to like the Night Elves, why would you assume he liked the Dark Trolls?

No, I’m saying there’s no reason to believe there were peaceful nature oriented Dark Trolls on Hyjal. But given how Cenarius did absolutely nothing to aid the peaceful, nature oriented Tauren when they were being killed by the Centaurs, I do believe he would let ‘nature take its course’ so to speak.

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This thread only helps to convince me that night elf players are the angriest, most bitter folks around when it comes to RP servers/story discussion.

All land was troll land once, but land that is conquered is no longer yours and most trolls accept that.

And Horde had to play through losing Dazar’alor and having Rastakhan killed while Jaina and Mekkatorque got away scot-free, then are made to feel guilty about simply existing. The grass isn’t greener, buddy.


This isn’t true… look at the map in Chronicle. Ashenvale, and much of central Kalimdor, was never claimed by a Troll Tribe. Unless you count the Night Elves as that Tribe.


The dark trolls that become kaldorei were still, indeed, trolls. And not all of them became elves. But the elves sure were fine letting the dark trolls all die later, despite them being peaceful.


Look at the map… much of the area surrounding Dark Troll land was unclaimed.

You can take the blimp of Dark Troll presence around the Well of Eternity and say those became Kaldorei. And you can take the Trolls living on Hyjal and consider them peaceful residence that shared the mountain with Kaldorei migrants.

Nothing was taken from the Dark Trolls, until they were wiped out by the Twilight’s hammer.


Okay. And Ghostlands/Eversong? Arathi? Etc, etc? We repeatedly see that Troll Imperial Land isn’t respected. There is a clear cut off where Imperial Ownership no longer applies.

If it applies to the Trolls, it assuredly applies to the Elves.

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imagine comparing losing rasthakan with a genocide.
and last time i checked, dazalarzor still stands.
in a war started by the horde, just… amazing.

even going more further when the zandalari actively provoked the alliance to being attacked… and helping the horde in their genocidal campaign.

if you are angry at that, i can’t even imagine how it would feel if the alliance actually does a genocide.


Imagine pretending that the Alliance doesn’t kill Zandalari civilians on the way to Rastakhan.

Yeah you guys killed non combatants face to face instead of nuking the city. Bravo. You are one step off from Sylvanas.

In a war Genn started.


I assume he was indifferent. Or maybe he did like them. I see Cenarius as a benevolent figure who would not abide by the slaughtering of a peaceful race with a nature oriented culture.

Unlike the Tauren, the Dark Trolls literally worshiped him, or his likeness in the Wild Gods. The Centaur are also his disowned grandchildren, so that could have been a conflict of interest. It is also possible that he didn’t know.

I do not think that proves anything. We see in WC3 that Dark Trolls still lived on Hyjal and stood with the Kaldorei in it’s defense… We are also not JUST talking about Cenarius, but all the other Wild Gods of Hyjal who the Dark Trolls worshiped.

I am talking about Ashenvale. Not Quel’thalas.


Didn’t know that Genn taunted Sylvanas in cataclysm and dared her to commit genocide against his people and kill his son.

If you are going to justify the war of thorns with genns action in Legion, we can do the same thing with cataclysm.


Can I give you an invite to the SF Discord? Please?


Okay, but I’m talking about Imperial Land Ownership.

The war was stopped with an armistice until the Legion was defeated. Genn immediately attacked the Warchief of the Horde as soon as he was able and did not have the High King looking over his shoulder.

The Horde upheld the armistice until after the Legion was defeated.

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And I am not. Lol.

Why would you still send people there?

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Then please do not comment on the conversation of when Night Elf Imperial Land Ownership no longer applies.

Imagine whining about Sylvanas being stopped from enslaving an active ally against the Legion. You can’t make up garbage this richly pathetic.