Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

That’s not moving the goal post. Did I really need to mention the immediate rebellion everytime to keep your peon brain from getting overheated?

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Yes yes, you’re smart and people with consistent world views are dumb.

It absolutely is. I’m surprised you’re adopting the position that active rebellion is the same as simply not being guilty of crimes.

Oh wait, I get it. This is going to be a “no true scottsman” fallacy where you attempt to win the point by saying the Highborne don’t count, even though they were accepted as part of the Kaldorei by the Kaldorei.

Sorry, I see you’re already typing it, please proceed.

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Immediate rebellion and no it’s not. The goal doesn’t move just because I don’t take the time to repeat myself every single post before responding to whatever troll take you have. The Kaldorei rebelled immediately. The Horde waited until Sylvanas fed them to Azshara. They waited until after Garrosh tried to get rid of Vol’jin. The Horde doesn’t rebel against Evil Warchiefs. They rebel when the Evil Warchief turns on them and they have to run away with surprised pikachu faces.

Don’t bother replying. I’m done wasting my time on trolls like you.


Some of the Kaldorei rebelled immediately. Some of the Kaldorei stayed loyal to Azshara until things got out of hand, then hid out in a ruined city waiting to see how things turned out.

Which again, if you want to hold a consistent point of view, means you have to judge the Kaldorei as harshly and generally as you judge the Horde for only having some of their members rebel immediately.

Oh I’m going to reply, but since you’re insulting me and leaving, lets reply with your greatest hits.

Since you lack the emotional maturity to even deal with an opposing point of view, I’m going to suggest you stop hurling insults. You obviously couldn’t handle it if people treated you the way you treat them.


As someone who has been playing Night Elves and Horde for 15 years, I can see both sides when it comes to Ashenvale.

I have a lot of fond memories of the zone. Running around and exploring Ashenvale, forgetting I was on my Troll and running right into Astranaar (oops!), and just having fun. So, when a question like this pops up, I have one answer.

I much prefer pre-Cata era Ashenvale. Night Elves controlling most of the zone with the areas near Orgrimmar controlled by the Horde.


When did they have a chance to eradicate the Horde in BfA?

At the end? Where Sylvanas’ forces outnumbered Anduin’s and Saurfang’s combined? And once she left, Sylvanas and Saurfang’s forces rejoined each other without either group suffering any casualties?

The Alliance had no power in that situation. The Horde stopped fighting because it’s what the Horde wanted to do. They didn’t surrender.


And? Azshara is plenty of land for resources for a people that prides itself for being “one with the land” in an elemental sense. Being given a carte blanche to do whatever to Azshara should be a blessing to the Horde.


You know what, you are right. Even if it is just a promise that the Horde won’t need to run off any more invading armies, it is still a boon and something worthy of gratitude.

So thank you for promising not to invade the Horde pointlessly. I sincerely wish the story would allow me to make the same promise in return.


To be fair, it’s the night elves versus the heart of the entire horde. orgrimmar isn’t just an orc city; it’s the entire horde’s capital. How exactly do the night elves intend to stop them alone?

Even Shandris warned Tyrande this very patch that they’re Stumps Out of Luck if they make the Alliance mad.


Moonglade is out, as Horde Druids need equal access. Teldrassil is out because it does not exist any more. Winterspring and Hyjal have always been contested territories and both factions need them for quests. Hyjal is also portal linked to both hubs and the Druid Order Hall for Cataclysm and Legion play. In fact all areas that contain a Druid portal need to be open or contested for both factions.

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Ashenvale has always belonged to the Kaldorei. The fact the Horde even has an Ogrimmar to call home is already more than they hoped for, and after Teldrassil, staking a claim on Ashenvale is just… Well lets just say, it is not the best bedside manner.

Of course, based on the last several years of Horde Storytelling, it is clear it is the nature of the Horde to just want things they have no claim over.

It would be very stupid for the Horde to make a claim over Ashenvale if they want any hope of peace with the Alliance. Not since the War of Thorns was forever tainted by the blood of Kaldorei innocents, and nature of it’s beginning being rooted in the devious plans of Sylvanas.


It belonged to Trolls first. What’s the cut off for imperial ownership?


Technically, the trolls that owned it became Kaldorei. So again… it has always belonged to the Kaldorei.

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What about the troll tribe that still lives in darkshore?

They were allowed to live there peacefully until they joined the Horde and attacked. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I’m sorry, I under illustrated my point.

Not all of the trolls in the Ashenvale region evolved into elves.

Mostly, I just want the flight path.

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This is the thing I feel most for the Alliance, what with mid to northern eastern kingdoms.

This would be for the best, a strong border horde gets lumber and a zone that isn’t all barren. The warsong clan can chill there and we have a lore reason for BG to keep going.

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And those tribes have been allowed to live there… So long as they do so peacefully.

That’s the think, the Kaldorei are all about peaceful coexistence with nature. They have trolls, furbolgs, Dryads, and goblins all living peacefully within their boarders.

The Kaldorei are guardians over nature, and the moment nature itself, or the Kaldorei are threatened, then violence occurs.

That’s why the attacked Grom when he first came to Ashenvale, that is why they attack Goblins in Azshara. Treat nature with proper respect, and live peacefully, and they have nothing to worry about.

But the Horde is warmongering, and turn to war to solve any problem they face. I know Horde players don’t really like that, I don’t either, but unfortunately, it is how the Horde has been written for the last several years. The Horde is made out to be the big bully on the block since MoP and arguably earlier.